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The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown

The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown



I couldn’t care less about UFOs until The Phoenix Lights craft flew over my head by 30 feet in 1997. That craft was HUGE, totally silent, no wind, no odor, no heat. What looked like lava was flowing from the bottom openings, it glowed but didn’t burn. I’m a believer ever since.

My Uncle was a Captain with American Airlines for many years. He resided in California; my family lived in Upstate NY. He stopped to visit us after one of his cross country flights and he shared a related story to this National Geographic video. They were flying over New York state and a long cylindrical, metallic object without wings or a tail very quickly approached their jet. It followed them right off their side for 20 minutes or so and air traffic controllers had it on radar. No one knew what it was. Air Force fighter jets were launched. When they approached, the object darted away at blinding speed. This was before smart phones, but many passengers had cameras and had taken photos. When they landed, “Authorities” confiscated the cameras, apparently after searching passenger bags etc. My Uncle, his co-pilot and crew were debriefed that this event “never occurred’. Unfortunately, my Uncle passed away a few years ago; I know he would have loved to share this experience (and others he had) with this Journalist and researcher.

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