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What Really Happened To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370? | Candace EP 80

What Really Happened To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370? | Candace EP 80



Hi Candace, I am Malaysian (and a long-time Candace Owens listener) and thankful that you chose to cover this topic. I remember the day MH370 went “missing”, because my mum’s brother in law was the head steward on that doomed flight. When the early news of it going missing hit mainstream media, my mum was frantically on the phone with her sister to ask if her husband was on that flight. Unfortunately, he was. It wasn’t even one of his usual routes. The roster somehow changed last minute and he had to work on that flight with less than 24 hrs’ notice. Most, if not everyone in Malaysia, knew that this incident was a huge cover-up for things more sinister. One of them being the prime minister at the time’s scandal with billions of taxpayer dollars. Many families were torn apart that day, all because some very powerful people had shit to cover. We will never forget.

1. Follow the power
2. Follow the money
3. This is the only channel that I feel like I’m gaining brain cells after watching. It always gets me thinking. Thank you.

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