Bill Maher’s Audience Stunned by His Brutal Honesty on Biden



The White House Dr. should have his medical license revoked for lying to the American people for political reasosn.

My father had dementia, I remember my father sundowning. It’s exactly what Biden did at the debate.


  1. We as a free nation are in peril. We clearly have people acting as president who are not sworn to protect this nation under our constitution. We have a man who has shown us on multiple occasions that he is impaired.

    The danger comes from having a man we depend upon to make critical and instant decisions that has a problem reading a teleprompter. What is worse is he has been put on display to telegraph to every enemy our weak and fruitless response to our nation should attack come.

    Make no mistake an attack will be of such as to cause delay without it recognized within seconds. we must have someone who can decide our action as his feet hits the floor from a dead sleep. I myself at 80 know how hard it is for myself to get moving in the morning. after the first cup of coffee offers the clarity that lasts but a few short hours. The very reason I answer all my Email first.

    Having experience at how the aging mind functions ( from direct experience ) we have a man that is portrayed at running our country. I should say representing our country because a president doesn’t run it. it is an embarrassment to our nation to have a man that is clearly in such a poor mental state stand and try to answer the simplest of questions.

    What is the answer? Clearly Kackling Kamilla isn’t. she hasn’t a clue on what is happening. Her problem isn’t a problem with her brain but its content. She tries very hard to make herself sound intelligent. any serious subject she addresses always seems to be focused upon white supremacy and its focus on keeping people of color down.

    The typical mindset for uneducated blacks who believe that it is only skin color that matters when it comes to skills and qualification. Failing to protect our borders and citizens both biden and herself have given orders to allow open borders, yet claim they haven’t the power to close them.

    How does someone have the power to open them but not have the power to close them? OK I am now displaying my own failure to maintain focused on the subject. We as a nation must rely upon our enumerated powers to correct the problem.

    Our voices have been silenced on many subjects. demanding that biden be replaced isn’t attacking the country. it isn’t conspiracy to take over our government. The danger is that because government gets its power from the people, efforts go each day to change it. Changes that will alter the very fabric of our Republic.

    With so many that have become dependent upon government, the left wants to expand this to insure its control and power. The latest has been done with a man that can be manipulated because of his very limited capacity to realize that he isn’t serving the people. I have reached the limit of my endurance.

    I hope I have been clear enough without too much rambling about. Thanks for reading my rant’s.—– I, Grampa

    • Amen Grampa I agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly under Biden’s regime (Obama’s third term) this nation is in free fall and the whole world sees it I fear we will be in a world war three soon if not a second civil war. I believe we are having a constitutional crisis with the bafoon supposedly running this country and it scares me to death to know he has the nuclear codes. As a 72 year old I’ve heard all the promises made and broken by so many Democrats over the years and it is sickening that they lie so often and that so many people still believe them. For my part I will be voting for the felon… Trump 2024 MAGA!!!

      • Yes, the felon. Cause he loves democracy and fhis country so much he tried to overthrow the government to stay in power after he lost the electipn in 2020. He loves democracyvso much he ran around whining about a rigged election months before and tears after lying his orange tail off. Yes, the felon. Cause the weasels on the nations highest court just gave him a blank check to rape the entire system freely without any consequences. Yeah, the felon. The one that diveted FEMA money to build thecwall that mexico was gonna pay for. The felon that insisted a hurricane was barreling toward Alabama. The felon that played find the peanut with classified documents. The same felon that tweeted national security info cause it just looked so cool he had to share it. The felon who took his first international trip to Saudi Arabia and threatened the entire lot of people on air force one that if they dared to bow they would walk home and got off that plane and bowed himself to the royalty so fast the entire worlds head spun. Yes, the felon is for sure your bet. Yep.

  2. Joe’s been addled for at least the past 5 years. Why is everybody else is just now realizing it? The last election says more about those who voted for Joe than about Joe himself.

  3. I find Biden and Harris not defending the country but defending their money. What happened to being loyal to America, and standing for values, and morals? We are a country in free fall and something big is going to happen, don’t have the foggiest of what, where, or when, but it’s going to happen. Biden has left the doors open on the hen house and the wolves are here. Biden and Harris are protected by Secret Service etc, but normal Americans are not.

  4. I’d vote for a ham sandwich before I would ever vote for the twice impeached convicted felon. He came close to ruining this country forever under his “watch.” From mishandling the Covid crisis to tax breaks for the rich let alone stacking the courts to remove a woman’s right to control her own body. What he could do to this country in a 2nd term is frightening. Our democracy is at stake. Trump cannot come back.

    • Cry me a river, Teresa. I’d vote for a pile of puke before I’d vote for a lying stupid senile old man who craps his pants and is married to a quack, which was from an adulteress affair. I’m not rich and I got a tax break from Trump which I very much appreciated. I still had my job during covid and I enjoyed pay $1.23 a gallon for gas. It was Fauci who miss handled the covid crises and I noticed stupid old senile poopypants Joe kept Fauci in place to further (mis)handle covid. And since you and your dummycrats turned this country into a democracy, I’m glad Trump is a threat to democracy. This country was founded as a representative republic, not a democracy. Democracies fail because it’s a system where Marxist, like you and your dummycrats, can take over and through hope and change be turned into an Islamic communist dictatorship. If Trump is such a threat to you, then move out of the U.S.A. to North Korea or China.

      • I agree! As far as Trump goes and being a convicted felon those convictions will be overturned. He was put in front of jurors that hated him and you know they lied about that when jurors are asked the question can you honestly be fair and direct about the defendant? I will be voting for President Trump in November and when he gets back in the President’s seat he can begin to clean the mess the Biden has created.

        • Typical lie ! Gas prices were 2.14 spiked up to 2.72 and back to 2.17 during Donnie admin.
          OPEC controls gas prices because it is a global commodity. We have produced more oil and gas during the Biden administration than any other. Wake up and research instead of lying Fox!

      • Trump wears diapers….., put that in your pipe and smoke it!!
        Trump is over 100 lbs overweight.Also a lying bastard, a name caller, makes fun of handicapped people. He never grew up! He has the vocabulary of a fourth grade kid! He’s in love with Kim sung whatever. He pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to get laid whilst he”Grabs them by the pussy” and you want this lying sack of shit to represent you? Do you have dimensions? A red tie and 1930’s pants and a blood red polyester for shit golf cap that means,”Make America WHITE again. And you really like this cripple- brained hillbilly? WHY?

        • And I guess you prefer a corrupt man suffering from dementia who has been a puppet for 4 years for his evil elite masters who are doing their best to destroy America.Biden and his cronies are guilty of treason! Shame on everyone for allowing Biden to make our country look bad.The so called leaders are destroying a once great country and the people dont care.Evil rules and so few care. The consequences will be horrendous.

          • The only puppet is 45… Putin is so much smarter and was trained by the KGB. He mentally works 45 to his advantage. 45 thinks they r buds, but Putin only has 1 thing in his mind, same for Chi, and that is destruction of America. Way to go trumpalina! Get informed by reading 45s view of his WANNABE KINGDOM….OUR, WE THE PEOPLE’S, COUNTRY OF FREEDOM TO BE TORN DOWN….PROJECT 2025! READ UT AND WEEP AND BE AFRAID, VERY AFRAID.

        • I’m sry u r sooooo blind. Seriously? U and 1,000s will place us in a dictatorship. U think things will be better? U will watch as our constitution is destroyed and no longer matters. If u really care about our way of life and FREEDOM u would RUN away from a rapist, convict, fraud and liar. He tells u how he will destroy us BUT U DON’T CARE. Sry but u people are crazy!

      • U r a communist. Move the fuck to Russia, Hungary or maybe China?? I’ve been and seen the depression of the people. In China don’t open ur mouth about dictatorship or Tiananmen Square. U remember where the student was run over by a tank. U will be arrested. Maybe lost forever. Read Project 2025 where we lose our constitution and bill of rights. Wtf maga?. Google it!

    • You must have been living out of the country when Trump was President. Inflation at 1.4%, gas at 2.00 a gallon. The most secure border ever. Gave our veterans a card so they can go anywhere, anytime for free health. No chaos. Trump does not wear diapers. Stop lying. Another 4 years of this shadow government controlling Biden the puppet and it will be unrecognizable. Biden isn’t fit to be a greeter at Walmart.

      • Fact is Trump is not a threat to Democracy, never was and never is! This fraudulent, anti American phony concocted political statement is Democratic Socialist, Globalist pre pro Communist Party LIE! The history of the Democratic Party (and I am 86) is grounded in anti Republican media bias LiES in which ( you can be sure) that if the Democratic Party is accusing the Republican Party of something, you can be sure that THEY are doing THE EXACT SAME THING that they are accusing the Republicans of doing!
        Count on it!!!
        ( Remember this: You can always tell a Democrat Socalist Globalist pre pro Communist but ……………you can’t tell him much!

      • Perfect history lesson with regards to Trump! I can’t believe how “ignorantly indoctrinated “ in and to the Democratic Party these (Benedict Arnold) Biden followers have come to believe the Marxist Media LIES that come from the bias leftist mainstream media!!


      • Boy oh boy r u uninformed. Stop listening to the KING LIAR and read Project 2025. Our future under a full blown revenge and retribution dictator KING will destroy our constitution as he stated. WHAT’S WRONG WITH MAGA CRAZIES? U would rather live under a dictatorship? U would destroy our free and country? I dare u to read Project 2025 and prepare for a civil war as the president of the Heritage Foundation said. WHAT TYPE OF LEADERSHIP WOULD PIT US AGAINST ONE ANOTHER? A Facist wannabe KING! WE RAN FROM A KING FOR FREEDOM. OUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT FOR IT! I BET THEY’RE ROLLING IN THEIR GRAVES! It was said we would NEVER set brothers against brothers. Wtf maga?

  5. Maher is a media whore who will flop from side to side, to whatever will gain him face time and money. I’d love to see him cold turkey from his drug abuse. He would not be able to do it. He butters whatever side of the bread does him the most good. I used to like him, until I realized he is just another addict, Hollywood insider, ass licking toady.

  6. No matter what.
    It is disgraceful how fox literally ridiculed biden for being old and losing cognitive function.
    We all grow old and may experience the same.
    They should just point out possible cognitive issues without trying to get laughs from their co-anchors and audience
    I understand they are paid well to do this.It IS disgraceful to ridicule anyone with any type of disability whether it be mental or physical.
    One can just point out issues that may affect him without being dramatic.
    Their goal should be concern for our country and voters without their 100% political reason
    Why don’t they take visits to nursing homes,take photos and videos ,and show these on tv with component of ridicule.
    They know better

  7. Out of 400 million people , we can not find one decent person to run
    the country .We have president who is aliar, stole billions who can’t raise his own kids , how can U expect him to raise this country then , we have vice president who is expert in making Porno movies rather thanrunning
    Then we have president whose wife is pregnant & has affairs with prostitutes .God help us !!!!

  8. They’re both too old. They both suck. You call this a choice. Good luck I won’t vote for either one of them! Return america to the Indians they can’t help but do a better job than these two old fools.

    • All I can say is Biden may be old and a bit befuddled, but he is honest and a good man. But trump is a lier a criminal a wanna be dictator a selfish old man who wants only to stay out of jail. He calls our military suckers, he makes fun of handicapped people he out of shape he’s guilty of all seven of the deadly sins. All I can is that he is the most discussing sub human being I have ever seen!

  9. I truly feel sorry for Biden. The circle of people around him show they care more about their prestige and power than they do about father and husband. Jill is so trying to look good for the public when she should care about her husband. I’m truly afraid the next war will be on American soil. If you don’t think so look at the border. The Chinese have sent at least 50,000 military aged men into this country. At least 10,000 have came from Africa and I wonder how many of affiliated with Isis. When your family and friends have to deal with this on our soil run to your open the border friends.
    Like I said earlier I feel sorry for Biden but the followers of the Barack-Biden-Harris-Jill-Pelosi-Schumer and Hunter administration I hope you get what you deserved to be pillaged by some of your open border friends. I am not so naive that I vote color Red or Blue but for the best man for the job if he is a democrat he can get my vote. If he is a republican he can get my vote. Trump has been a democrat all his life but he ran on a republican ticket. I’m will not vote for him to be my pastor but I believe he is the best man running and I trust him to look after this country. I did not like him at first but he was making America a better place. With the trumped up charges he was accused of and everyone involved coming after being funded by George Soros he definitely did not get a fair trial. He has add more people trying to find his wrong doing and if they spent 1/4 of the time on your past you would be under the jail. I will respect whoever wins the election and not stand on a corner or try to burn down America like the left and BLM. We need to unite unless you want English to be your 3rd language behind Chinese or Russian. Hope the left can get it together if not I’m not worried about retiring I worried about life.

    • I suppose u r UNAWARE that the MOST, aggressive bill was ready to be approved headed by a very conservative republican, got shut down because 45 called maga gop and ordered that it be shut down because “I need to run on the border” along of course all the lies that came. 45 is a direct threat to our freedom! 50,000+ public workers will be replaced if they dont swear alliengence to the king! 4 000 r being interviewed now! Get a grip and see it for what it is. Revenge and retribution not anything FOR us. U don’t listen to the thing that lies in ur face. How sad u r.

  10. Whether Trumps convicted or not if anyone has 1/2 a brain they know he’s a crook. And yes Biden isn’t the sharpest tack, However neither party has given us anyone to ACTIALLY choose from. With that in mind what are Americans supposed to do? So QUESTION, why are our elected officials not doing their jobs : OH I know, they don’t want to have to work for their money.
    Similar to your checking account ; not only does the bank have to protect themselves and you but you have to have 3-4 layers to protect to protect yourself.

  11. If MAGA doesn’t read Project 2025 to enlighten themselves we r in deep shit. A gestapo is coming. Will work to eliminate anyone that doesn’t kiss the ring and can now have u murdered without consequences. What country do we live in?


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