You’re Stuck With Him” – Obama



Why are Obama and Clinton even still involved??!!! Get lost already!!! Just go away!!!!!

Why is Obama allowed to be there making decisions? His 2 terms are over.


  1. Haven’t you reralized that Biden Administration is Obama’s third term. And if Michele becomes the next President, it will his fourth. When he was running, Obama said he was going to change America — and he has certainly done that. For the better?????

    • Hitlery was supposed to take the baton from Obama after his 2nd term and go for the kill in the next 8 years. It was planned – the 16 year plan for the destruction of America. Fortunately, Hitlery didn’t win. That wasn’t part of the plan. So now it’s the next step. Get an incompetent idiot in office so Obama can still pull the strings. But don’t discount Obiden’s own evil ways. This was the playbook by Soros (and the Bilderberg leadership) where Obama spoke about Americans not being smart enough to know what they wanted and what was good for them. Soros destroys countries; that is his goal. He already did so in many European countries, including his own country of Hungary. He is persona non gratis in many countries and has a price tag on his head in a few more, including Hungary. He destroys countries and moves on to the next.

      • Leslie, you are so right on the mark about this. Soros & Co have had this all mapped out for years. That man is a demon in human form.

    • I’m so glad to hear what I’ve been saying for last 5 years. Didn’t know there was some smart people out there. Thanks Abby!

  2. They said we will beat you from the inside- welcome the Obamas….3, maybe 4 terms……Wake up People, we are short on time here!!!!!

  3. Obama, and those that installed him to cover for “The Scarecrow” should be in a very safe place for this “illegal” 3rd Term Kenyan.

    • There was a time when people we not as gullible as they are now. What the hell happened. I’ll tell you what happened, welfare and the give me, give me, give me until I die and then bury me. What needs to be done I cannot print, or the FBI will be knocking on my door, but if we shoot a commie, it’s legal right. Just saying here.!

      • The leftists have brainwashed and indoctrinated our youth for years in our “educational” system. Not enough people paid attention to what was happening to their children right under our noses. Ever notice the sheer hatred that is displayed by the younger generation of voters? Where did they learn that from?
        The whole goal was to turn neighbor against neighbor, youth against parents and authority figures, play heavy on the race card, push the abortion issue and it’s the far leftists to the rescue.
        Wake up everyone before it’s too late to reclaim our country and our lost society.

        • Sandra, back in our day we were taught to use our brains and have common sense. Today everyone gets their info on iPhones or really, really dumb people on TikTok.

  4. I find it hard to believe some think Obama made it a better country he was an absolute idiot so much like Biden I see no difference. They both are a different disgrace to our nation, giving it away one illegal at a time, now 10 million.

  5. Lord have mercy.
    Dick is part of the reason the United States got the China virus. He’s the one that gave them the 450 million to help fund it. His ugly ass should be in prison. Put him on a submarine and send him over to China

  6. Comment above was supposed to say
    Obamadick. Second worst president ever and I mean ever. OBidendick is the worst

  7. Biden will be their candidate as if Biden is canceled, so goes his puppeteer Obama.
    Obama’s hate for this country and his narcissistic ego he feeds on will not let that happen.

  8. Everything I read above is exactly what I have believed for years. Obama should have been vetted and NEVER WAS. America became SOFT when they let him in as President. He went from a Community Planner to a multi-millionaire – all at our expense. WAKE UP AMERICA. OBAMA/BIDEN/HILLARY hate America. TRUMP LOVES AMERICA.

    • If Obama Sr was truly Obama/Soetoro’s Father he was not a “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN,” the child of TWO American citizens.

  9. Jill is not going to give up 10% to the “Big Guy”. $1.75 BILLION to Ukraine; no accounting! The dems don’t give a DAMN about Ukraine, this is how they are financing their campaigns. Joe has been using political office to enrich himself for decades with a to hell with America attitude.
    God help us.


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