SHOCKING New FOOTAGE of Trump Rally Shooting Released | What it Reveals Will INFURIATE You


This new footage will SHOCK you… How was this possible


I was watching the hearings today and all I heard was January 6th, Project 25 and gun control from the democrats. It infuriated me and I had to stop watching.

Inside operation. Crook’s was only the Patsy


  1. What if joey ordered the hit, with out anyone’s ok. It went awry, they found out after the failed attempt, joey spoke up, everyone was ia awe. Then to cover joey’s ass, the punished him into stepping down. And now the scramble continues. Just saying. But it makes me go Hmmmmm?



    • Democrats lie constantly and try to cover their lie with another and do on !! They lie souch they aren’t even intelligent enough to keep lies straight


    Perhaps you should get the facts straight before you write.

    • Didn’t rape anyone. The Democrat Socialist Party is evil. All the actions of the Democrat Party are identical to a Socialist, Communist Regime. “Make America Great Again.” Biden, “Make America last in everything.” Mainstream Media all of a sudden admits Biden has cognitive decline. This was talked about years ago. Yet, the Mainstream Media called it disinformation. Stop lying. No wonder press conferences are so few. If they say nothing, they have nothing to answer. If something goes wrong, they just blame Trump. Child like.Most everyone in the Democrat Biden Regime is clueless. Harris bailed BLM Rioters out of jail. Invasion at the border. Overspend money. This corrupt government wants people to depend on them. In turn you will not be able to do anything they do. It like. Babysitters. Socialism, Communist Party. Lockdowns during Covid. Small businesses destroyed. Military forced to take vaccines or kicked out. While Governor Newsome pushed the mandates, he was out enjoying his life with none. Look at other countries with the same thought process. People have no freedoms and the few at the top do. Businesses and schools stayed open in Florida, South Dakota and others. That was smart. Notice none of these so called experts have no unaccountability. The First News(Bill O’Reilly and Jesse Kelly), and NewsMax with(Sebastian Gorka, Greta van Susteren, Greg Kelly). Facts are shown. Not left out. Basic. DEI, Woke, CRT, all ruin societies. Each person is in control of their circumstances. Get a job, etc. Work hard. Pray in Jesus Name for understanding. Help at least one person a day.

        • Oh, because Democrats are so intelligent. All your party thinks about is power, birth control pills, abortions and sex. You are the ones who carry your brains in your a–.

      • Wow so much hate from PEOPLE! I pray all of you get to know Jesus. He preached love and it seems as thought most of you hate people and categorize them as Dems or Republicans. How about you learn to LOVE those who are different. Instead of pushing hate, how about you vote what’s best for your household?

  4. It is becoming harder to cover up your crimes and corruption. Human nature naturally gravitates to anyone who provide leadership. It usually starts with hardships.

    In america it started with the depression. it may have started earlier but my historic memory hasn’t been extended that far but I havent had the desire to find the truth, until now.

    The truth eludes me with each piece of data I find. It has been a process that I wont share as of now because I could be as guilty of spreading the lies as the rest. Until then I will stick to what I have experienced for myself. now at 80 and feeling the results at the end of the depression I will start from there.

    with the miracles of TV I witnessed some of the most celebrated and most tragic events in America. My days started as a Christmas gift to my mother. interrupting her well prepared dinner for family. Nearly losing her to a kidney that failed and had to be removed. at three months I was handed to a wetnurse.

    I shared a teat with my brother Grady My “Mam” was a black woman so I had two mothers one white and one black. I also has a black brother until the age of five when Da got a full time job in Georgia. I never seen him or my Mam again.

    Such was what was for the poor in south west Detroit. We were not just a neighborhood. we were a family. The ones who were in need were at our table. while we didn’t have much we shared what we had. My dad was one of the lucky few that had a full time job.

    Still our home had no central heat, no phone, no hot water tank, no refrigerator, no carpet’s. My mother did have a treadle powered sewing machine. she mended and altered clothes for everyone so they were worn out. Food was stretched as far as it could be.our resources stretched as far as we could.

    Americas innovative creativity pulled this nation from disaster Not the ones that sat behind desks making laws that circumvent our constitution and (INVEST) out hard earned tax dollars they never seem to spend wisely.

    It always ends up in the hands of the ones that keep them in power. it has been this way from the civil war. With the well intended giving five acres and a mule to the “freed slaves” what isnt told is that land was the scrub land no one wanted. no harness for the mule or plow to till the land or seed to plant or tools to build a home like the one they were freed from.

    As government does they never see the whole plan. their only answer is to toss money at the problem. so who got all this money? It was the bankers. just like today.

    control the money and you control the nation. what stops the total takeover? Guns. our founders had enough forethought to provide the people the way to back up their power. Gov. knowing it cant take us by force must do it by subterfuge. made up crisis that people cant handle, so TaDa gov jumps in cape aflutter to save us. telling us that only they can save us. repeat this until they become dependant.

    Then comes their expert advice of removing all the guns to provide the safety they will provide. Ha!! As power always does it provides the path for people wanting power to control that have little morals. this is where we stand today.

    we have seen and can compare our situation between Trumps service and biden’s. I have seen my friends and relatives loose their homes under biden. working two jobs trying to keep up. It isnt just them. it has spread like the virus they made.

    We as a people must take our nation back. we have been a charitable nation that helped everyone. it is time we use that charity at home first before we hand it to others. Time to make a choice———I, Grampa

    • This is telling it like it is. The truth. Those who give up their American spirit, guns and freedom. Guns don’t kill it’s the brainwashed user. Guns protect us and our freedom. First thing I was taught was communism would take over without firing a shot. Ill keep my guns and die defending My Country , family and constitution. God bless us and America

  5. Sniper that took out shooter has video trained on shooter,and let him fire several shots before being ‘forced’ to take him out. Our US government is SOO corrupt.🤷‍♂️
    Definitely an inside job,that the media has conveniently buried…

    • Thank You. So many ignorant people here pushing a hate agenda. And some of these lovely people called themselves Christians, but hate their neighbors. You can’t be a follower of God and hate people. God doesn’t show hate he spreads love how about we try spreading love and being nicer to people it’s not hard.

  6. Arrest ALL that were involved in the assassination attempt , find them guilty , use the firing squad to get justice. It’s time to take our country back from the liberals and traitors.


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