On Sunday, July 21st, National Ice Cream Day, Former Vice President Joe Biden tweeted that he would be dropping out of the 2024 Presidential race. We’re bringing you our favorite Joe Biden highlights, the history of the Democratic Party’s cheating from Al Gore, to Hillary Clinton, to Bernie Sanders, the Hunter Biden laptop, what the left will focus on in the most important election of our lives, and so much more!
You would think the sitting U.S. president ending his reelection campaign would make a public statement in 2-3 days. When’s the last time anyone has seen him?
Well yeah democracy is greatest threat to democracy
I love the French Revolution
Which one? I believe they have changed governments 4 times since our fight for Democracy, in 1776.
What democracy. Where does it say that?
Craig, this country was not founded as a Democracy. It was founded as a REPUBLIC!
Where is Joe Biden? The grand finale of Crooked Joe may have a very sad ending that he does not want.
God saves President Trump, infects Joe Biden with Covid
Probably driving his Corvette to a Doctor. Word has it, he’s authorized sending nuclear weapons to someone having a problem with Putin….nothing the massive U.S.A. population should hear about (because they are PAYING the bill and the recourse for this absolutely STUPID idea). Who’s watching the presence of China moving into the area below Cuba or worse yet: how much U.S. farm land they are buying and how much Bill Gates is helping them, so they can ship U.S. food storage out of our country to theirs…keep in mind the U.S. population is 131~ million + 3 million+ illegals/spies and China has 1.3 Billion humans and are a Communist Gov’t even those people don’t like.
Start thinking POSITIVE PEOPLE. LIFES to short to be so negative!!
Rowepp, you have that right!