Shooter’s classmate EXPOSES the media lies about Crooks!!!!!



“He talked politics smugly and arrogantly” – 10000% a democrat.

If a man says “I hate Trump and I hate the Republican Party” I’m gonna assume that he’s a hard liberal.


  1. Just another case of the lefts use of the Intel agencies to control the narrative to there benefit. FBI , DHS, and DOJ AREExcellent at this.

  2. It’s amazing just how corrupt our government has become under this corrupt,anti-american administration and along with the media and social media only feed the people lies,keep supporting them and say goodbye to our country,stop voting blue,Trump 2024

    • So true, look at these 2 p-o-s individuals running our Secret Service.

      These 2 morons could not run a koolaid stand! He is the moron that made the fatal changes, and he is trying to cover his ass.

      President Trump–please fire these 2 morons first!

  3. The democrat party propaganda outlets will always find a way to blame republicans and patriots every chance they get, and the alphabet soup agencies will do what ever they can to eliminate threats against their gravy train!

  4. lt seems pretty obvious… this was a set up … why else would they bring in snipers the first rally of a shooting..they knew it was going down..what they didn’t expect was the kid or patsy would miss from that easy close range shot..but almighty God turned trumps head the right second… yea its one big obvious coverup… from all the reports.. the ss didn’t even contact the local police for investigations.. they are all complicit… maybe not all ..but most.. in this day and age…how come they all do not have two way radios to communicate? this is our billion dollar agency to protect us??? total lies and corruption… they need a complete overhaul..

  5. I believe the shooting was staged, Trump has said and done so many illegal acts. I would not believe him and feel the assailant was killed for calateral reasons mainly to close his mouth. This sounds like a giant fish tale.

    • The first thing you said is.. I believe, really! You don’t know shit!! You must love the Democrats and how they have destroyed America! If any democrats can’t see it they must have blinders on!! Come on people get your head out of the sand!!


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