Kamala Harris is zero for accomplishments and goes missing (doesn’t) work she speaks in word salad WEIRD statements that leave people scratching heads what she really said. K Harris also uses daily talking points sent to marxist radical talk points that are spoken hundreds of times over fake news govt control news CNN, ABC, NBC, Localchannels 4,5,6,7, 10 all lies deception deflection. Habitual liar with proof from Bill O”Reilly who proved 9 spoken lies with facts!!!! dishonest gaslighter who has put the USA in dire danger with Biden we are on verge of war beware people love the USA and serve it like a patriot or look for a new HOR you will need it!!! US Army retired who knows.
Kamala Harris is zero for accomplishments and goes missing (doesn’t) work she speaks in word salad WEIRD statements that leave people scratching heads what she really said. K Harris also uses daily talking points sent to marxist radical talk points that are spoken hundreds of times over fake news govt control news CNN, ABC, NBC, Localchannels 4,5,6,7, 10 all lies deception deflection. Habitual liar with proof from Bill O”Reilly who proved 9 spoken lies with facts!!!! dishonest gaslighter who has put the USA in dire danger with Biden we are on verge of war beware people love the USA and serve it like a patriot or look for a new HOR you will need it!!! US Army retired who knows.
Kamala Harris is a fucking idiot!
That’s an understatement.
She is beyond STUPID!!!! She is Obama’s puppet And wants to destroy our country.