and just like Oswald, Crooks was groomed by the FIBbers. Secreting Cervix “allow” him to shoot. Inside job, again. When will the sane in Amerika want to separate from and STOP funding this evil empire? Keep paying the control freaks to abuse you, blame others, just like the other VICTIMS (weak/stupid) in socialist Amerika.
Absolutely agree! From the ineptness of the secret service newbies, to the half assed assessment of the area, the BS about that building not being in the “perimeter”, the non engagement of the shooter beforehand, or even any sense of urgency to check it out….reeks of a set up. They let him shoot, then disposed of him. They set up snipers for all to see, but had hidden ones that probably knew what was going on and were ready. Guessing they psychologically prompted the shooter somehow , to get him to do it.
I find it so evil that they will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from taking office again. It’s awfully funny that none of the snipers had seen the shooter, but had him in their sights as soon as he fired off a few rounds. Could it be that they zeroed in on him from his gun flash, or was somebody in position with him in his sights the whole time? He was allowed to squeeze off 3 quick shots, hoping he’d succeed, before being shot.
Biggest deep fake from deep state.
Why did thy “cloud” the shooters face out? Nobody is going to look him up, unless they go to the cemetery?
Shoot the shooter to shut him for good. Just like what happened to Lee Harvey Oswald.
and just like Oswald, Crooks was groomed by the FIBbers. Secreting Cervix “allow” him to shoot. Inside job, again. When will the sane in Amerika want to separate from and STOP funding this evil empire? Keep paying the control freaks to abuse you, blame others, just like the other VICTIMS (weak/stupid) in socialist Amerika.
I’m glad people at the rally were paying attention. Even though it was a total mess, its nice to know people are saying and wrote down what they saw.
Absolutely agree! From the ineptness of the secret service newbies, to the half assed assessment of the area, the BS about that building not being in the “perimeter”, the non engagement of the shooter beforehand, or even any sense of urgency to check it out….reeks of a set up. They let him shoot, then disposed of him. They set up snipers for all to see, but had hidden ones that probably knew what was going on and were ready. Guessing they psychologically prompted the shooter somehow , to get him to do it.
You are so right on, it was a setup.
I find it so evil that they will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from taking office again. It’s awfully funny that none of the snipers had seen the shooter, but had him in their sights as soon as he fired off a few rounds. Could it be that they zeroed in on him from his gun flash, or was somebody in position with him in his sights the whole time? He was allowed to squeeze off 3 quick shots, hoping he’d succeed, before being shot.