Elon Notices Something About Kamala Speech That You Need To Hear



Kamala is even more pathetic than Brandon.

“Not only was she not doing her job, but she was handed a promotion”

Nailed it.


    • Oh! Invaders? You mean those hardworking people that are willing to do the hard jobs that the complacent, overweight, native born can’t or won’t do? The jobs your grandparents did when they got here as invaders? Unless you are native American, shut up.

      • in my humble patriotic opinion, people who speak in support of ILLEGALS at the expense of even a single citizen are really TERRORISTS and anti-national, whichever dumb party they might belong to. They don’t need to be publicly responded, because they are not worthy of it. Such people wouldn’t hesitate their own for a buck or two.

      • With a name like Lynette, I can sure tell YOU are not native American. So, take your own advice and shut the hell up, stupid! Those “hard working invaders” are working for 50 cents an hour and destroying American wages at both union and non-union jobs while the dummycrats continue to raise the cost of living. Can sure tell you’re one of those kids that flunked kindergarten.

      • yes invaders! the ones that swim across, if you do the immigration paperwork you’ll see that you cannot be a ward of the state….not so with the invaders getting free rent, food, preferred employment all at taxpayers expense , all for demodope votes!
        my grandparents and parents came thru ellis island, nothing was given to them ! but back then there were no demodopes cheating elections

      • How dare you tell someone to shut up. Perhaps you should practice what you preach.
        ILLEGAL INVADERS have broken our laws and anyone hiring them is, too. Bet they’re paid far less than people who are here legally including native Americans. That’s stealing and that’s slavery‼️

      • what’s calling you a demo got to do with women in the kitchen?? LOL, you scramble metaphors like eggs…and like your mind, it doesn’t make sense….LOL

      • On this one I would agree with you, Lynette. There is no real democrat party anymore. You’re all Marxist and you should call yourselves what you really are, besides stupid. The last real democrat was JFK.

      • It is Demoncrat to you ! Satan controls Democrat party !! Democrats are for abortion, infanticide, gender mutilation, transgender, 74 genders, they don’t know what a woman is !! All are against God!! All of this from satan

      • Poor Lynette, your posts prove you’re so full of anger and hate, my heart aches for you. Obviously, you’re to be prayed for and loved. May God have mercy on your immortal soul.

  1. Welcome to the Kalergi Plan.

    The Kalergi Plan was proposed in 1923 by Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, who went on to found the Pan-European Union. The goal of the Kalergi Plan is to replace the white people now dominant in the West with a population of dysfunctional, dependent dolts who will be easier to control.

    The path to that future is to import third-world primitives with third-world values; encourage the growth of indigenous third-world populations; encourage the spread of homosexuality and “transgenderism”; encourage crime, chaos, and confusion to keep everyone perpetually off-balance; divide people into ever more narrowly defined racial, sexual, and “gender” groups; and demonize, marginalize, isolate, and eliminate those groups most resistant to domination and dictatorship — exactly what we see happening today in the United States and Europe.

    Displacing the strong, intelligent, and resourceful with the weak, ignorant, and self-indulgent will result in a population far easier to distract and exploit than the legacy populations now dominant.

    White people in general, and white men in particular, are targeted because they are the ones most likely to have the knowledge, resources, future-orientation, organizational skill, and self-reliance to effectively challenge the elite.

    Third-world primitives, feminists, “survivors”, the “woke”, homosexuals, transgenders, “persons of color”, members of “historically marginalized groups”, and members of “protected classes” are protected and championed by the corporate elite and its government and media servants not because the corporate elite cares about them, but because it considers them ineffective, self-destructive, weak pushovers even more susceptible to propaganda and exploitation than the white people they are replacing.

    Of course, at the end of the day, at the end of every day, the people at the top of the pyramid of power — the puppet masters pulling the strings and profiting at every engineered catastrophe — will be the same group that has always been at the top. . .

    • Well I am not white but I am male …A lot of what you have written here is from MY observations TRUE…BUT it goes beyond what you have written,WAAAY beyond !….I refer here to the caste system of thinking …In a nutshell ,because of Roe and aggressive Feminism ,birth rates are WAAAAAY down …The Braumans(the elite) will ALWAYS thrive and multiply in THEIR circles !….They want workers whos standard of living is WAAAAY below the current American citizens needs ….But what to do about the current, born HERE ,work force ?….Weeeelll they MUST be eliminated ,and their heartfelt connection to America broken ….Radical Feminism and Homesexuality(on top internal racial strife) are THE solutions,for they redirect that emotion, that loyalty to partisan concerns …There are two ways memories are passed down the strongest one is through blood(birth),the other is through rote or training…. I noticed around more than 20 years ago ALL of the trade high schools in my area were being converted over to Bi lingual schools …..That spells ill for easy access to trade jobs ,the true rock bottom basis for jobs in America(An ancient saying “If you build your own implements with YOUR own hands,you don’t have to rely so much on,OR chance the betrayal of others, in times of strife”) … United we STAND ,…divided we FALL

  2. Kamala doesn’t deserve the Presidency. The person who gets that position is the competent one. It doesn’t NEED to be a woman. Its who can do the job. And right now, Kamala is not capable.

  3. I’m voting for President Trump because he will deport the illegal immigrants back to where they came from! Fuck Kamala Harris 🖕 she isn’t competent enough to have the position. Have her explain the significance of time or the cloud storage as stupid is as stupid does!

    • “Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires.” -Kamala Harris who thinks stupidity is a contest

  4. Well Laurie, hang on to those ovaries of yours as long as you can. If tRump gets elected, they won’t belong to you anymore.

    • Where in the hell did you come up with that conclusion? We are not living in the Handmaids Tale. Which came about because women were unable to reproduce except for a very few.

    • Showing your STUPIDITY again !! The supreme Court sent issue BACK to states !! Trump can’t take away abortion by himself !! You have been fed like b bullshit and you are to uneducated and ignorant to know it !!
      Hillary said ” Democrat are basically STUPID…”
      If you call him tRump then what do you call the man in WH that pooped his pants??.


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