Kamala Harris gets DENIED invitation to massive online show LOL



Who else can’t wait for Trump to dismantle Harris and her pathetic record in a debate? Grab your popcorn. This is going to be great!

Didn’t she called GenZ dumb?
Now she needs them?
Looks like GenZ isn’t dumb as she thought they were.
Trump 2024!


  1. One very ignorant, stupid, incompetent, radical, liberal, commie dumbocrap, she is no material for president. She is more incompetent, than that goofy biden that got couped out, by his own party. lol Her and that fake, phony, vp is a total commie like her, they would destroy this country, like they have already done. Devil in disguise is what we are dealing with, dumb and dumber.

  2. trump the dumpster is at least right about one thing. There is fake news and this site is about as fake as can get. Hopefully trump is telling one other truth tho I doubt he has the balls. That he’ll go to Venezuela if he loses. Which he assuredly will. He’d fit right in with his cowardly dictator buddy maduro. You losers wake up to reality and see your big loser (sic) leader for what he really is. A bully, thief, rapist, liar, scam artist, and just all around criminal. LOCK HIS ASS UP!!!!

    • Typical of an ignorant lib!! First thing you do is name calling !! You have NOTHING to go on so you resort to your low IQ name calling antics !!
      And on your ignorance you can’t see that the dictator is in office NOW !! You need to pull your head out of your rectum and look at loser on office now !! What has this supposed president done besides ruining America? Gas now double what it was 3 1/2 years ago, groceries up 15-20 percent ! Thousands of stores closing due to bidenflation, 10 million ILLEGALS have across the border, Rampant crime , thousands dying of fentanyl due to Biden’s open borders,!!
      Stupidity is strong in you!! Trump is most vetted POTUS in history and has not been found guilty of any criminal activity ,!!.! Never accused of rape !! Never accused of being scammed artist except by you! And there goes another cult member saying he is a liar !! LIST THEM !! YOU CANT !
      and you are ok with a sexual molester, pedophile, and adulterer in WH and a prostitute as VEEP!!
      Need to lock YOUR ass up for defamation of character!
      ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary

  3. Charlie seems to forget one thing, the current so called president and Slick Willie were both rapists! He obviously hasn’t done his homework!


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