Stephen Gardner and Serge du Prees, show producer for Timcast IRL discuss new conspiracy to remove Trump if he wins.


that congressman needs kicked out of congress

Ratskin = traitor.


  1. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, section 3 of the14th Amendment is irrelevant. It very clear, for it to apply DJT, would have to have actively engaged in an insurrection., or rebellion.

    “… shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies..

    Not only has President not been found guilty of ether act, he nor anyone else has been charged with insurrection. But if they had, it has been recorded and proven that all the President said was to march to the Capital and peacefully let their voices be heard. That is not insurrection, that isn’t conspiracy to commit conspiracy.
    This section of the 14th Amendment is so obscure, it hasn’t been used since 1868. It was created so that officers and leaders of the Confederacy couldn’t run for office in the Executive Branch. There are more Democrats guilty of calling for actual rebellion, than the Former President, this uneducated idiot is one such example. What he proposes is open rebellion against a duly elected President, as such, he sets himself above the Constitution, and that is Treason!

  2. Timidity of appearing partisan delayed the tRump insurrection case’s start. Your opinion Karl is your opinion. We’ll see if tRump is guilty or not in a court of law when he loses the presidency again.

    Please provide a source for your assertion that, “There are more Democrats guilty of calling for actual rebellion than the Former President…”

    • Just look at the Biden Harris administration and the Obama’s. To a lesser extent, the Clintons. All have expressed the desire to overthrow the constitution and replace it with a Marxist form of government. I know a communist little puke like you will never admit to that.

      • “communist little puke.” Ha-ha-ha-ha!! Where on earth are you getting that epithet – on TikTok?

        And is that where you are getting the info that Biden Harris, Obama and Clinton, “…expressed the desire to overthrow the constitution and replace it with a Marxist form of government?”

        Why would you calling me that make me want to respond to you with an answer? No, because you don’t want the answer, you just want to call names.

        • Hey, communist puke, I want to call you names, too!
          Very clever to use the immature idiotic name for Trump as tRump. Can’t think of a more intelligent name on your own, huh?
          Guess you are also suffering from TDS and want to kiss and lick his Trump’s rump. Go for it, dude/dudette! You are all LBGTQ addicts. Enjoy!
          Maybe you should cut off a childs penis to make you feel better.

          • You are going to really weird places. Take a look at how your mind is working – why are you so angry?

  3. It’s interesting that in America little girls’ clitorises have been ripped out viciously for decades now – in the name of religion. But now that little boys’ testicles are being removed in the name of gender dysphoria, all of a sudden “It should be criminal!” BOTH are criminal and should have been met with anger and outrage!!

  4. Jamie “RatFace” RATskin, a member of a group of radical anti-American socialists who have vowed to destroy American culture, customs, and laws, is an extremely nasty left wing member of the EVIL DemonCRAP (socialist/communist) Party which has done its best to force the US to become a socialist dump, just like the Marxist Bolshevik countries they came from, saying they wanted to ESCAPE socialism and communism only to bring it HERE in order to gain power and money for their greedy selfish selves.
    Pure commuinist scum!

  5. Chris – please explain tRump’s love of dictators – Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Chinese President Xi Jinping.


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