Just shows how stupid the ex pornstar, Sore Throat Kamala, is with the rest of her stupid Marxist dumbass party. The KKK is mainly in the old south. Michigan sent troops to fight for the Union against the Confederacy. The KKK was started by former Confederate soldiers in the south. Besides that, stupid old senile poopypants Joe’s mentor was one of the Grand Dragons of the KKK. Once again Kamala shows she should’ve stayed in the porno industry and out of politics.
Trump is the pedo who bangs pornstars, was convicted of sexual assault and cheated on every wife he’s had. His only friend was Epstein. He’s always been a total loser.
People that comment like you is the reason the word “retarded” cannot be retired. Evidently The Bidet showering naked with his daughter, which she claims has traumatized her to this day, is okey dokey for you.
Voting Trump is stupid ??
But voting for a prostitute and an avowed communist is smart ,??
Yo have your terms mixed up! Voting Trump shows intelligence, love of America ,!
Voting d shows you hate America and want Communism!!
It also shows you align with Satan . You are what your communist masters call a ” useful idiot”
WRONG !? BIDEN is a pedophile, adulterer. and sexual molester.
And you are again proving how ignorant you libs really are! Trump lost cked Epstein OFF his properties and never allowed him back on!
Both Clintons have been to Epstein island numerous times!!
Trump NEVER!!
EDUCATE yourself and you won’t look as stupid as you really are!!
Hey idiot,Trump ki ked him out of MaraLago for pushing himself on a teenager. You democrats need removed from our country. It would instantly turn around. All you guys do is lie,cheat an steal.
Socialists in Germany were the Nazi’s, the KKK was democrats, the very same as democrats that voted against the civil rights act! And now the democrats have morphed into the Globalist Marxist party, but the weak minded people keep swallowing what the democrats are selling, and destroying their own nation!
Campaigning ‘White Supremacist’ Racist White dudes for kamala! These the White Supremacist the FBI are warning us about? Racist White dudes for kamala!
rump proved in less than one term that he was totally incompetent and clueless about running the country. Why else do you think the majority of American voters flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had, and again at his failed Red Tsunami? Even Hillary got 3 million more votes than him. The old senile fool has always been a total loser, and will lose again as usual. Read both Vance and Kennedy’s past remarks about how useless and incompetent Trump really is! Trump is NO businessman. He’s had 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies, including casinos. He also saddled us with an extra 8 TRILLION dollar deficit after promising a balanced budget. He’s a joke to be running again after his proven incompetence.
Your post is so full of LIES and bullshit !! Your entire post is one big lib bullshit!!
You should really check facts before trying to post and making your self look as stupid as you really are !!
Trump Never had 20 failed businesses .
Under Trump
Gas less thy $2 gallon. Now it is double that
No wars
Energy independent!
Groceries were reasonable . Now groceries up 20 percent.
NO PORN in elementary school libraries .
No inflation. Now Inflation at 40 year HIGH !!
Who IS SENILE AND Incompetent Besides YOU ??
” democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary !!
You are what your communist masters call a” useful idiot”
How many trillions of dollars in debt has Biden and Democrats racked up !!
And you think a prostitute is more competent??? 4 years ago she got LESS than 2 percent of democrat vote in primary. She was a DEI appointment on ticket! Now the democrat cult thinks she is so great !!
Democrats could put Mao tse Tung on ballot and the uneducated ignorant cult would vote for him!!
Just shows how stupid the ex pornstar, Sore Throat Kamala, is with the rest of her stupid Marxist dumbass party. The KKK is mainly in the old south. Michigan sent troops to fight for the Union against the Confederacy. The KKK was started by former Confederate soldiers in the south. Besides that, stupid old senile poopypants Joe’s mentor was one of the Grand Dragons of the KKK. Once again Kamala shows she should’ve stayed in the porno industry and out of politics.
Trump is the pedo who bangs pornstars, was convicted of sexual assault and cheated on every wife he’s had. His only friend was Epstein. He’s always been a total loser.
People that comment like you is the reason the word “retarded” cannot be retired. Evidently The Bidet showering naked with his daughter, which she claims has traumatized her to this day, is okey dokey for you.
Voting Trump is stupid ??
But voting for a prostitute and an avowed communist is smart ,??
Yo have your terms mixed up! Voting Trump shows intelligence, love of America ,!
Voting d shows you hate America and want Communism!!
It also shows you align with Satan . You are what your communist masters call a ” useful idiot”
I will stick with Trump!!
WRONG !? BIDEN is a pedophile, adulterer. and sexual molester.
And you are again proving how ignorant you libs really are! Trump lost cked Epstein OFF his properties and never allowed him back on!
Both Clintons have been to Epstein island numerous times!!
Trump NEVER!!
EDUCATE yourself and you won’t look as stupid as you really are!!
Dang autocorrect .
Trump kicked Epstein OFF his properties!!
You are one of the idiots that will vote for Kamala who was
breast fed on Communism.
Are you his personal friend? You would have to be to know all this as truth or not!
Hey idiot,Trump ki ked him out of MaraLago for pushing himself on a teenager. You democrats need removed from our country. It would instantly turn around. All you guys do is lie,cheat an steal.
Socialists in Germany were the Nazi’s, the KKK was democrats, the very same as democrats that voted against the civil rights act! And now the democrats have morphed into the Globalist Marxist party, but the weak minded people keep swallowing what the democrats are selling, and destroying their own nation!
Campaigning ‘White Supremacist’ Racist White dudes for kamala! These the White Supremacist the FBI are warning us about? Racist White dudes for kamala!
rump proved in less than one term that he was totally incompetent and clueless about running the country. Why else do you think the majority of American voters flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had, and again at his failed Red Tsunami? Even Hillary got 3 million more votes than him. The old senile fool has always been a total loser, and will lose again as usual. Read both Vance and Kennedy’s past remarks about how useless and incompetent Trump really is! Trump is NO businessman. He’s had 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies, including casinos. He also saddled us with an extra 8 TRILLION dollar deficit after promising a balanced budget. He’s a joke to be running again after his proven incompetence.
And your accomplishments are………..? Wait I know, you are a Dim lapdog commenter. Retard.
Your post is so full of LIES and bullshit !! Your entire post is one big lib bullshit!!
You should really check facts before trying to post and making your self look as stupid as you really are !!
Trump Never had 20 failed businesses .
Under Trump
Gas less thy $2 gallon. Now it is double that
No wars
Energy independent!
Groceries were reasonable . Now groceries up 20 percent.
NO PORN in elementary school libraries .
No inflation. Now Inflation at 40 year HIGH !!
Who IS SENILE AND Incompetent Besides YOU ??
” democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary !!
You are what your communist masters call a” useful idiot”
How many trillions of dollars in debt has Biden and Democrats racked up !!
And you think a prostitute is more competent??? 4 years ago she got LESS than 2 percent of democrat vote in primary. She was a DEI appointment on ticket! Now the democrat cult thinks she is so great !!
Democrats could put Mao tse Tung on ballot and the uneducated ignorant cult would vote for him!!
Your opinion only and I do not value it!