Trump SURGES As He ROASTS Kamala Harris At Fox News Town Hall & CNN Copes Over Her Momentum TANKING!



I’m a black American without a college degree, and this will be the third time voting for President Donald Trump.

I am a U.S.Army vet.And a convicted felon.If I could, I would vote for Trump.Take our country back.TRUMP 2024


  1. Imagine America having a prostitute as POTUS and tampon tim who is a communist as Veep !! If that doesn’t scare everyone you have an intelligence so low it can’t be measured

  2. Clean it up boys that language will hurt trump not help. I am a tough trump supporter. Vote for the Best candidate and it’s not even close. Go Trump. If it wasn’t for unions with their hands out trump would win by 80-20.

  3. I am a registered Damacrat, Dumocrat, who votes with my bill fold. I look inside and see no money left there. So who do you think I’m going to vote for? Sure as hell won’t be the group that caused high interest, inflation, high food prices, and causes Social security to be taxed again after we paid taxes on it one time when we earned it.

    • You are a Democrat, but you have decided to vote for people with a positive history when it comes to our country’s economy and overall health and safety. You are the type of voter who makes perfect sense. Thank You Sir. All other democrats; please think first , then Vote.

  4. Fred, you are correct. Unions are in bed with Democraps. You pay union dues, then they endorse and donate money to candidates that I would never vote for. The UAW is a prime example. They endorsed dopey Joe Biden, even if his idiotic battery powered car mandates will result in the layoff of factory workers. Go figure.

  5. Diane, you are correct. Cackling Kammy a useless nobody with no soul. She’s the emptiest of empty suits. God forbid that she becomes our next “president”.

  6. Let’s discuss why Trump will lose. Trump humiliates himself by always sticking his foot in his mouth. He’s an embarrassment to America. It’s too bad that Trump turned out to be such a dumb useless POS. I voted for him in 2016 thinking he was a smart businessman. Then found out he’s had 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses, and stiffs almost every contractor he’s worked with. I don’t care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, but he proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. Voters flushed him after that, and again in his failed Red Tsunami, and he is even worse now with his crazy rants and insults. What a joke he turned out to be.

    • Juan has now mastered the kindergarten task of cut and paste !! He is so proud of himself . He ran upstairs from basement and told Mommy. She gave him a sucker and sent him down to do more cut and paste !!

  7. Juan, you can say the same things about dopey Joe Biden, cackling Kamala and Shillary Clinton. Dopey Joe is a sick, perverted old man. He showered with his own daughter. These three are all useless POS. You say voters flushed Trump? Newsflash: The election was rigged. Trump was winning until the mail-in ballots were counted. They were all for dopey Joe. That’s statistically impossible. Trump was a good president. I voted for Trump and will do it again, God willing. Cackling Kammy and Tim Walz are a joke, and a sick joke at that.

  8. I’m very Sorry for your loss of your Beautiful?? TRUMPalistic’s BRAIN 🧠 and a Real World SOUL??? If you’re So Sure 👍 that He Even Had One For You and Your Family 🤣🤮✅

    • Get out of the basement, turnoff the X-Box “Medal of Honor”, ask mom if she will take you to see a recruiter. Tell Army you want 11B option. Tell Marines: 0311
      I can almost seeing patriotism glowing in your future if you go that route.

    • At least we have a brain. You have proven you don’t with your kindergarten name calling and emojis.
      Look up stupid in dictionary and you will see pic of jag

  9. Yes, I agree with Juan. Trump is a joke. It really is pathetic that the brainwashed MAGAts just willingly swallow the bullshit that Trump feeds them. The orange turd can’t finish a sentence without lying. Look at Trump’s business and political record. Has there ever been a bigger loser than that imbecile? He’s already admitted he can’t win by saying the election will be rigged. Poor Donnie. Time for your padded cell.

  10. Hey, Democrats , wake up.
    Guys and ladies , we are all Americans and want the best for our country and our children. I think that we all want America, strong, safe, prosperous and respects the rule of law. Unless you are an illegal lawless person who wants to destroy America and turns it into a socialist/ communist country which will never happen. If you do not like this country then get the hell out of here and go back to the place you escaped from. Think!!


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