She said exactly what everyone is thinking.



They got Trump dodging bullets and Kamala is dodging interviews.

Kamala didn’t answer one single question… we had four prosperous and peaceful 4 years with Donald Trump… enough said!!!


  1. Muslim’s “Cair” Poll…….Kamoola running 52%.

    CAIR = Council for an American Islamic Republic.

    Kamoola can’t even hold onto the Terrorist vote.

  2. WOW 🤩 But They WERE TRYING TRULY TRUMPshitous And LYING Years 🫡👀
    But KAMALA is not Going to DISAPPOINT AMERICA 🇺🇸 👍👍👀
    BUT TRUST YOUR Intelligence that the TRUMPy Avery PAST president
    Will only do Anything!! For His Own Benefit Not AMERICA’s 👀👎👎🤮

  3. You have to admit that any decent candidate could easily have beaten Biden last election. Trump proved he was inept to be president and voters agreed. Kamala is crushing the poor fool now and look how many Republicans are supporting her because he is a liability for the party. Crazy ranting, raving and stupid insults are just detrimental to his campaign. The GOP just needs to give up, find a respectable candidate and rebuild the party for 4 years from now. That’s the only successful strategy that would work, unless Harris does a fantastic job. Trump is as big a loser as he was in 2020. Actually bigger.

  4. Yes, it’s a shame that Trump turned out to be such a horseshit president, and worse that the GOP couldn’t find a better candidate in 2020. Anyone else could have beaten Biden, except the orange turd. He really is a joke.

  5. Stole this from another page:……”Who is the fool that said we were better off under Trump? You mean when Trump fucked up Covid, told us to inject bleach or take horse pills? Or when businesses were closing, morgues were overfilled, companies were going bankrupt, Trump was handing out millions to fraudsters while he himself funneled hundreds of millions to his golf courses and hotels? Yep. Those were the days we miss.”… LOL!!! So sad, but true.

  6. Trump is a SHITASS It is ashamed that Mr. Crooks missed his mark.
    Trump DEFINITELY needs to be Dead. If elected we will become the
    USSA ( Union of Soviet States of America ). heil Trump (Hitler).
    Our new pledge of allegiance—- I pledge allegiance to the flag of
    The Soviet states of America and to the dictatorship for which it
    Stands. One nation , under trump, divided, with liberty and justice
    Only for the rich.

  7. Interesting. The number of Bots here just to make nasty comments about Trump have reached five (5). Wonder how much they are being paid. I have known K. Harris since the early 1990s, and I know how worthless and corrupt she is, and she is incompetent except for one skill which is marketable of course, but nothing a decent person would seek in any official.

  8. Some people are just plain stupid. Trump did a great job, while commie Harris is and will destroy this country, but I think most of you do not care as long as the government takes care of you

  9. Who is this fool that said we were better off under Trump? You mean when Trump fucked up Covid, told us to inject bleach or take horse pills? Or when businesses were closing, morgues were overfilled, companies were going bankrupt, Trump was handing out millions to fraudsters while he himself funneled hundreds of millions to his golf courses and hotels? Yep. Those were the days we sure miss. LOL!!!


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