Kamala Harris PLUMMETS In Polls As Voters Realize They HATE Her | OutKick The Show with Clay Travis



Im a senior – I was voting for Trump anyway but with him saying he will remove the tax on SS benefits makes it an absolute no brainer for seniors to vot for him.

I don’t want 270. I want him to go over 300!!!


  1. YES I am voting Trump. No tax on the tax that I already paid. Yes remember SENIORS social security is a tax that you paid every payday. So if you like paying taxes on taxes you know to vote for.

    • Remember that income tax was paid on our salary before SS taxes were deducted, so all the money with held for both social security and Medicare have already been taxed. So they are double taxing seniors who are being taxed on their SS benefits. It’s just wrong


  2. Kammie royally kicked it when she appeared with Oprah. The host figured out her phony crap early, and watched as she — per usual — refused to answer any pointed questions. Slowly but surely, America is finding out that this woman is woefully incapable of leadership, and the other requisites that we need in a president. So it’s simple: GO MAGA …

  3. Get out and vote people. We have to make this election “Too big, to rig”. I’m voting for all Republican candidates. We must take the Senate and keep control of the House, along with gaining the presidency. Trump is the only choice to save America. The demoncrats are destroying our country and we must end their reign. DEI must DIE. Just like “basement Obiden”, Kacklea is hiding from American citizens. The less we know about her, the better. That’s their strategy.

  4. No, I am not going to vote for Trump because all he’s been feeding the public with, are political gimmicks and disinformation. I think that the ONLY way Trump can remotely win this November 2024 election, is by cheating and deceit and with the help of predominantly certain Southern States legislatures.

    • Another brainwashed, braindead, clueless sheeple who will follow the Dems off a cliff. That’s OK, you’re usefulness will no longer be needed once your heroes are back in office. You will see evil totally unleashed as you cry, “What have I done?” with many other sheeples. You might want to read up on Sodom and Gomorrah – we are the modern day version. Goodness will win over evil. BTW, you have your info totally backwards. The Dems have been full of political gimmicks, disinformation and blatant lies. The only way they can and have won is by cheating and attempted assassinations. If you believe all of their BS, you are hopeless – have some more Kool-Aid. Trump/Vance 2024!!!

      • Leslie, I want you to know that I am a Democrat and a proud one, for that matter. Secondly, I am not brainwashed or braindead, I have a good-functioning brain that gives me the mental faculty to think through issues objectively instead of allowing somebody to think for me, or tell me what to do. Leslie, are you not ashamed of yourself, that in this modern era, you brand your whole existence as a modern-day version of Sodom and Gomorrah? I would. About your suggestion that I have my info backward, and that Democrats have been full of political gimmicks, disinformation, and blatant lies, I know there is nothing that I can say to make you ponder over the things that I said. So, I am going to leave you with a saying and it is this, “he who knows not, and knows not, that he knows not, is asleep, don’t follow him.” Thank you.

        • More confirmation that you’re a total brain washed CNN, MSNBC. watching Idiot, that believes whatever they tell you.

          MTW how can anybody be a democrat today (communist) and say they’re proud of it. Totally amazing.

        • I proud democrat is a Marxist dummycrat. You only admitted part of what you really are, beside stupid. But I’ll give some credit for at least admitting you’re a dummycrat. There haven’t been any democrats since Nov. 22, 1963.

      • Pat, we are just expressing our minds about issues and I don’t see any reason for you to insult me. In my comment above somewhere, I never said a word of an insult to nobody, so, why do you insult me that I am a “brainwashed idiot”. A word of advice, don’t you ever resort to insults when you are expressing your mind about any issue on a national platform.

    • So, how much Kool Aid did you drink? Or were you educated by that box of rocks we compare stupid people too? Whatever, Being a Dad I’ll pass some Dad-like advice – if you don’t have something smart to say, don’t say anything at all.

      • Dave, for your information, I don’t drink Kool-Aid. I hope you are not surprised that I don’t drink Kool-Aid. I am very aware of the saying that if “you don’t have anything smart to say, don’t say anything at all”. For your information, people who live in glass houses don’t throw stones” I think, you are a typical caricature of a person people associate STUPIDITY with that relates to the box of rocks.

    • Kwabena, were you living during his previous administration? The country was cooking. Were you living in a cave ? I believe in the words of that great phylosopher Forest Gump , who stated ” Stupid is as Stupid does “.

      • MIKE from Pa, for your information, I lived through Trump’s Administration’s first term. If that is what you are asking me about.
        I like to comport myself and show some sense of civility, so, I’ll leave the other part of your comment to you to worry about it.
        However, I would like you to remember that “Nobody is born stupid it is just that people acquire stupidity”

    • Hey, what about Kamala? She had cheated all the way to VP. Do you know how she got started in the Political ladder? She spread her legs to a married man who were the Mayor of SF and he was 60 and she was 29 and he had bought her the 750 BMW, back then it was the top notch car. She never had to look for job like we all did but the positions that she had held was all offered to her on a silver platter, it is no wonder why she couldn’t come up with any answers to the questions asked her about the economy and border problems, but come up with the word salad buffet, which her answers had absolutely nothing to do with the questions. We certainly do not need this loony tune, brain less cheap slut for our leader ship, period! She will destroy our country.

  5. Hey, Kwabena (everybody’s favorite voter, with a wonderful African first name!) Do you know WHAT you are talking about? Is it “disinformation”, that our inflation for the past 4 years has been much greater than during Trump’s presidency? (Or, did you just “get off the boat”, and weren’t here to enjoy the low inflation and higher income, during Trump’s presidency, huh?) Is it political gimmicks that we had to suffer draconian lockdowns (imported straight from Communist methods used in China, by the way) UNNECESSARILY, imposed mostly by Democratic Party governors, in blue states, that had ZERO effect on the 1.2 million who died from Covid-19 (only about 400,000 of which died during Trump’s presidency, by the way, while the remaining 800,000 died during Biden’s presidency!)–and that our economy suffered as a result? Is it Trump’s fault that law and order has declined in our (mostly Democratic) cities, or that our current INCOMPETENT Democratic administration has flooded our country with illegal border-crossers? Perhaps it is his fault that Hamas or Hezbollah commits Islamic terrorism, too–with the full support of Democratic Party leaders, as well, huh? Wake up, Kwabena!!!! Trump is our ONLY CHOICE, for peace, sanity, order, and prosperity, in the world!!! And don’t EVER waste your vote, on another Democrat, again!!!

    • Michael, I want you to know I am nobody’s favorite voter. and I am proud of my African ancestry and name. I, of course, know what I am talking about, Mike. Concerning your comment on “disinformation”, one thing is true, that is, information is not “disinformation” when it is the truth.
      Unfortunately, your inflation example is not true. When Trump left office after his 4 years term, his inflation rate record was at its best, at the rate of 6%, which was the rate Biden inherited from Trump. Now, under the Biden Administration, the inflation rate is 3%. Whenever both inflation rates are compared, my common sense tells me that, Biden has done a better job curtailing inflation than Trump did. Let me tell you, Mike, I have lived here since Carter was the President of the United States. Consequently, I have lived through and experienced the administrations of all the Presidents from Carter till now.
      On the higher income you are talking about under Trump, I didn’t see a rise in workers’ wages. It was $7.50 per hour under Trump, and, that was what Biden inherited. Fortunately, that has changed under Biden, now it’s $8.50-$15.00 per hour. a great improvement for workers.
      Mike, you are blaming Biden for his COVID-19 policies, I supported the reasonable measures he implemented because they saved people’s lives.
      Let me say this, I take your 400,000 deaths figure as the correct number of COVID-19 victims under Trump. However, you may have forgotten that we endured the early stage of COVID-19 under Trump when it wasn’t full-blown, probably for one month. Beyond that, we endured it for almost 2 years or more during its peak under Biden. I think if Biden had not implemented what you described as”draconian lockdowns” timely, more than 2 million maybe 3 million lives might have been lost. So, considering all that and the urgency it was needed at that time, I think the selfless actions Biden ushered into motion whether “draconian” or not, were in the best interest of every person living in the United States during that time.
      About the economy during that time, under Trump, the truth is that it was in bad shape. It was gravitating and trending toward recession at that time. Fortunately, when Biden assumed office as President, he managed to find and put together a team of seasoned, knowledgeable, well-qualified, experienced Economists to study the Country’s economic situation and be available for him to consult and ask for their advice and with that bold initiative and the confidence and trust he had in the team, he managed to beat all odds and got the Country’s economy going again to the envy of World leaders.
      Mike, I am sure that if not for political party expediency and you being a die-hard Trump supporter, I would say that you would agree with me that law and order under Biden is working more superbly than it did under Trump. Under Trump, crimes were on the ascend but under Biden, CRIMES have been on the descent.
      I found it laughable when you blame the Democratic party as a purveyor of illegal border-crossers. What has the GOP about it? Didn’t the GOP Senators vote down a bill initiated by a Senate Republican, that was aimed and designed to counter the illegal border-crossing problems and received a bi-partisan endorsement or approval for it to be passed? If the Senate Republicans voted down a bill initiated by one of their own, that did receive Senate Democrats’ approval, why do you blame the Democratic Party for something they wholeheartedly gave their blessings to but only to be thrown overboard at the urging of Trump?
      Mike, let’s be realistic here, why do you turn a blind eye to blame the Democrats vis-a-vis Biden for the atrocities going on in the Middle East?
      For Christ’s sake, you could at least blame the warring factions.
      My friend Mike!!!! As I indicated earlier, I don’t support Trump. I have a better choice for the White House.
      Lastly, I like the way you conducted your criticism of my comment. It was civil, no insult and polite. It is my pleasure and Nice responding to yours. Have a pleasant evening or day.

  6. It’s so awesome to see that since we flushed the incompetent orange turd, we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, and the stock market at a record high! Trump and the Magats must be really pissed off. LOL!! Expect childish insults, since that’s all they’ve got. They HATE facts!

    • You are so wrong. Look at Kamala, she did not do anything for America in 3.5 years of VP. Only now she started to do something about the economy and border but does not know where to start because she already had damaged this country really good. She is nothing but phony and liar all the way. If she is elected, she will abuse her power to get after everyone who had talk about her the truth that she is totally incompetent to be the Commander In Chief!! We do not need this loony tune for our president. She had sold her body for to be all the way top to VP, but didn’t do nothing for 3.5 years and she have the nerve to face the world and run for the President? Is she outta her freaking mind!!!

  7. What a joke Trump was, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.


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