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COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked

COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked



Comrade!!! Speaking as a sacked Registered Nurse of 40 years. NZ was just as bad as Aus. Thanks to Jackboots Ardern, I saw the madness in 2020 and almost lost my mind. I lost friends, colleagues, had conflict in my family and felt like a voice in the wilderness. I was at the Wellington protest for 3 weeks, sleeping in my car, volunteering in the medical tent and found, AT LAST, kindred spirits. I wondered why I wouldn't tow the line and believe the BS. THEN I realised….I had my TV taken out 13 years ago. I only touched a newspaper to do the crossword. I watched Mattias Dessmet and understood it all. I no longer associate myself with the sheeple. I don't trust anything spoken by the vast majority of politicians. The worlds govts killed people, maimed them, psychologically damaged them for power and money. THAT is unforgivable. Thank you, both, for your bravery.

To all of those out there who refused to be peer pressured, and who stood strong in the dark, this is for you!

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