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Is America Facing a New Soviet Union? | Victor Davis Hanson | The Way I Heard It

Is America Facing a New Soviet Union? | Victor Davis Hanson | The Way I Heard It



I was a truck driver for many years and I’m going to say this in the hope that someone with a shred of common sense will see this comment. If you attempt to move the American food & agricultural transportation industry solely on electric vehicles you will get two things. Skyrocketing food prices and a starving population. The infrastructure is not there. The technology is not there. California banned independent contractors with older equipment and now they’re paying $3 for one Apple at the grocery store. I’m warning that they need to slowly back away from this idea. It’s simply not possible, not now.

In the 50’s my Dad worked a modest job, Mom stayed at home and raised the kids, and they lived a nice middle class lifestyle including owning a home. Nowadays both I and my partner works and can barely afford to make ends meet. Soon the kids and family dog will need to work to keep this household going. It’s the destruction of the American dream right before our eyes.

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