Maybelline Didn’t Get The Bud Light Memo



Only women can speak up for themselves through the power of purchasing

Dylan doesn’t claim woman Dylan claims girlhood. It’s disturbing


  1. I can vision on the battle field a group of tanks simultaneously runing out of electricity in the heat of a battle against gasoline/fueled tanks which have oil/gasoline propulsion and tankers getting refuled by gas trucks and the electric vehicles trying to plug up to a generator which was hauled to the battlefield and takes an hour to be available to continue their battle. Good luck with that. I will bet on the fuled tanks to be ready to fight and the electric vehicle still waiting for electricity somewhere to finish charging.

  2. Jason Francine: I think I can tell you about how that would go. The electric-powered vehicles would have their batteries dead or dying; as their fossil-fueled generators struggle to recharge them. Those electric tanks would be disabled from advancing on their tracks, or turning in place, or rotating their gun turrets, or even raising or lowering their barrels to set correct trajectories. Their operators would go outside their tanks, trying to defend themselves with rifles and hand grenades; OR, just waiting inside to be exploded/burned !!! The other side in the battle, using fossil-fueled tanks and refueling from completely mobile refueling tankers, would very quickly outflank the electric tanks, (which would be unable to adjust to changes in positions by their enemies.) The fossil-fueled tanks would blast the electric tanks into disabilities even greater than they already had. The soldiers with fossil-fueled tanks would be able to stay inside their armored vehicles; and would proceed to annihilate the now-foot-soldiers desperately trying to fight armor with small arms. The bloodbath would completely favor the side with fossil-fueled tanks.
    So, which side of that battle would be the American side ? If we Americans listen to the Leftists/Democrats, and we go all-electric, our American military would be the total loser !!! Is that what YOU want, America ????? THAT is where Joe Biden and Company are “leading” us!

  3. If a Tesla, weighing 1 1/2 to 3 tons, can go 375 on a full charge, how far can a 65 ton main battle tank go on a full charge? One or two miles before needing a recharge? Talk about limited knowledge about the real world and the world of armored war.
    Our military leaders today are no better thinkers or strategists than she is, witness the Afghanistan “withdrawal?” But hey, don’t get the pronouns wrong…


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