Hang on, this is VERY strange!



I discourage every young person I know thinking about joining the military from doing so. I did 25 years in the army. No way I’d join now if I was young.

After I graduate high school, I wanted to join the Marines just like my father did. I graduated in 75, my father came back with many medals. He told me he would disown me if I join the Marines. I asked him about the war he was in and he became very upset. All he would say was stepping over his buddies that were dead and dying. Shortly thereafter he sent all the metals back to the government he got rid of his uniform as well and my mother told me to never bring it up again. The funny thing is they would have never accepted me anyway because of my poor eyesight but my dad raised me as a patriot. I love my country but as it is right now there is not much to be proud of, sadly…. Eisenhower was right about the military-industrial complex. Where are the all the real leaders of this once-great nation???


  1. There are no real leaders anymore. Today’s so called leaders are all pussys and cowards. Not a real man among them. I was drafted in 72. I served in the Army recon for a tank unit. we still had some pride back then. I couldn’t claim special forces cause iam not jumping out of a good plan willingly. If it’s going down then, yes I’d jump. But like I said, not willingly. There’s a different in the service today then from my time in the army. We all wore green, that was the color of us all. Not like today’s party membership. We’re not a Communist country, never were and never will be. But today’s government and armed forces are trying to make it so and are fighting to take away all our rights and freedom. Why would you willingly except that way of life over freedom and rights. Makes no damn sense. Yet that’s what’s happening befor our eyes. A strong army makes a strong country. Not this BS the far left communist democrats are pushing. Were becoming a 3rd world sh#t hole country thanks to the Biden ran government. Bidens not running the country tho. It’s the communist democrat who are running things in his name cause he doesn’t have a clue. He takes the money and sit in a corner playing with a piece of red string drooling on himself. And we suffer from this BS. Wake up people befor it to late to fix this BS. Or live the BS life others want to give you. Your choice, choose wisely


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