Karen Big Mad At Jason Aldean for Showing Peaceful Protests



Curly is awesome, heart on his sleeve, genuine passion and a strong sense of justice. And he isn’t a fan of wokeness

How can you live in America and NOT be proud to be an American citizen..?


  1. So very tired of hearing about the woke idiots. Are ALL democrats this stupid? No one, who is in their right mind, can believe that what has been happening in our country, and was started by the POS Obama, can be good for our country! Everything that a democrat touches goes straight to hell in a hand basket!! They are pure evil! I know not all of them are this way, but you sure don’t see any of them stepping up for what is right. I am sure that some of them have to be Christian, but even they won’t speak up!

    The ANTIFA, the BLM, and all the sick protesters for the alphabet idiots, are the worst people for the freedoms of this country! They have NO more rights than anyone else, and I am sick and tired of them and their gender STUPIDITY!!! There are 2, and ONLY 2 genders, GET OVER IT!!!!!

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  3. That is what the song is about. Stay the f*ck away or you will be sorry. And there are plenty of people in small towns just itching to prove it. We are NOT dumb ass, brain washed, brain dead, bleeding heart liberals.

  4. It’s not just in the south it’s in most small towns in the USA. I lived in a small town in PA. We all took care of each other watch out for each other we knew each other we knew when new people started driving around in our neighborhoods. We watched out for everyone kids too. If someone had a problem we helped them get through it. Think of a winter snowstorm where everything is covered with snow. Everyone would be out cleaning off the streets and the cars we didn’t wait for the snow plows because it was everyone town. If someone was sick we help them with their needs. If people sped down the streets we start stand out side to make sure the stranger slow down so our kids were safe. Everyone at the local bar knew everyone if someone got too drunk to drink they didn’t have worry someone sober would take them home and the next day someone would take them to the bar to pickup their car. If they walked to the bar and were to drunk to walk home alone someone sober made sure they got walked home. So yes try to come into a small town and start trouble and people in that small town are going to notice and they are going to make phone calls to each other and come out of their homes and meet up to make sure other people are okay and safe. The people of that small town are going be know if you cause trouble and they aren’t going to let you burn down their family and friends homes or businesses.


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