Appalling vaccine injury



I'll go to my grave before I ever trust a government or Corporation again.

Number of people who regret taking the mRNA shot : thousands
Number of people who regret NOT taking the mRNA shot: none.


  1. She needs to do a detox. The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamins D and C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), ivermectin and magnesium. She could use Pure Body Extract (Zeolite) to detox.  Using advanced nanotechnology, the natural zeolite has a vast surface area to trap and remove toxins. Natural zeolite Clinoptilolite has been granted GRAS status (generally recognized as safe) status by the FDA. Pure Body Extra uses natural zeolite that has been purified to perfection, making it the most effective detox available. It is colorless, odorless, 100% natural, non-toxic and safe for long-term use. With just a few taste-free sprays a day, she can help rid her body of heavy metals and toxins, and experience improved energy and well-being. Phone USA/Canada: +1 (919) 900-4300. She should ask for Karen Kingston also who was a former researcher for Pfizer and knows a great deal about the vax injuries and how to help. By the way, these weren’t really vaccines for Covid, they were “genetically-engineered bioweapons” from China for use in WWIII. Pfizer got it registered as a “vaccine” to avoid legal liabilities for all the harm and deaths they knew would ensue. Fauci knew he couldn’t do “gain of function” research in the US because it was illegal, so he had China do it for him. He has been charged and indicted by a citizens’ Grand Jury and sentenced to prison by a citizen judge for the deaths of 16+ million people now dead worldwide.

  2. Once she said “and we still follow what we believe”, I quit! Anyone who lives by feelings and and don’t do due diligence in finding the truth I have no pity! It was a communistic forced action and that alone should have made her at least try to get the truth! She sounded to much like a typical idiot demoncrap from the very beginning for me to waste my time on!


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