Black Guy Goes Off in EBT FOOD STAMPS OFFICE He Says I’m Hungry



Entitled, loud and obnoxious.

A grown man capable of working begging for food stamps is pathetic.


  1. If he’s able to get a job…

    I have a daughter who has MS, and uses a wheelchair, she gets $174 a MONTH on food stamps and only $1,400 in SSD. She can’t work, so there ARE people out there who need it but illegals get all things free.

    • I think he should get it . He said he’s hungry but you see the border crossers with two grocery carts filled up every time you go to wallmart.

      • It’s wrong giving the illegals food, phones, housing. But that asshole could get a job if only he’d take the time looking for one.

    • No one knows why he doesn’t have a job! Maybe they gave it to the border crosser. If the man says he’s hungry someone should help. I think a lot of us are going to be like this if the Dems get back in. They are already telling us there’s not going to be food for the holidays

  2. I expect to see illegals get MUCH MORE if Harris/Walz win the election. They will be stealing food from all of our plates and social security. Now if Trump get’s in, many of those illegals plates will be broken. Call those Americans in Springfield, Ohio and Charleroi, Pennsylvania and ask them how they are doing! And now those “poor longshoremen” need more pay, as they are only getting $81,000 a year. And those in the media agree! But they don’t know how good they have it! George Stephanopolis only make’s $255,000 every two weeks!

  3. The Socialist, Marxist, Communist agenda. Take care of your own through all means. Lying, cheating, stealing, propaganda, bribes, violence, insulting, backstabbing, force, blaming, undermining. Does that sound like the Democratic Party, some Republicans, and the self serving bureaucrats, politicians, donors, Soros, Gates. Pay their fair share. Maybe, no for sure.

  4. Get A JOB I know unions make it hard on other and dont care abought them but jobs are there even if you have to work cheap You can make grocery money But TAX payers should not have to pay for your choises ALL te time

  5. 99% of the young people I know who are applying for hundreds of jobs are told flat out: “We only hire Mexicans”. Yes, the law says it is Illegal to hire the Illegal, but even the government admits Illegals get 90% of all new jobs. When will what used to be Americans stand up for what is right? Answer: Never, and the Deep State knows that Americans are ignorant cowards. They will be placed in pods, fed, kept on drugs that suspend their minds, and engaged with porn. Please watch “The Matrix”. It is the truth.

    • Well they do have lot better work ethic’s than many ppl these days But most seem to like there 1 hr lunch break and a joint before going back to work But they dont get sick often But thats BULL about them working cheap if they have a trade WE hire anyone that will WORK and not stay on the phone But you do have to watch there cards It seem they are easy to get and many not legal BUT they have a card to get started till its checked out

  6. ALL illegals should be rapidly located and deported en masse.
    They are VIOLATORS !
    The public officials who allowed this anarchy are derelict public enemies who should be evicted from office and indicted for their crimes.
    These warped minded ” socialists” are very generous about giving away the assets of legitimate citizens to support their own evil political schemes .
    The incumbent American government reeks with corruption!!
    Any serious reform is not likely….The victimized US citizens are brainwashed by propaganda pumped out 24/7 by the professional disinformation artists of the MSM !

  7. Jerry, most of the illegal invaders have no useful skills. Most don’t speak English. Many are illiterate in their own language. If they work, they’ll work dirt-cheap. They don’t need no stinkin’ card. Unscrupulous employers will pay them “off the books” and hope they don’t get caught. They take jobs that our citizens could have.

    • Yes fool, Americans are dying to get jobs picking fruit and vegetables, or pouring hot tar on roofs in 100 degree heat. Did you try to get that job?

      • You obviously failed American History class, or maybe you never showed up for class. Americans that migrated from Oklahoma to California were picking fruits and vegetables and they were getting ripped off by landowners. Now it’s the illegals that are getting ripped off but they’re too ignorant to realize it. I know Americans that have their own roofing business, and I see them working on hot summer days and at times on cold winter days. I also know Americans who have their own lawn service business and they’re mowing lawns, spraying chemicals on the lawn, and some even do landscaping. So don’t say Americans won’t do that kind of work. Americans won’t work for the slave wages that Californians paid Oklahomans during the 1930s.

  8. Damn! Vance keeps costing us votes. Dummy!
    Former President Donald Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, cannot brush off his dismissal of democracy, longtime GOP strategist and focus grouper Sarah Longwell wrote on X Wednesday.
    Vance was considered by political pundits to have debated more skillfully in at least the first part of the bout with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, but polling suggests debate viewers felt Walz won on most issues and even forced Vance to a draw on many conventionally GOP-favoring issues like immigration and the economy.

    One of the biggest moments, however, was when Vance refused to answer whether he believed Trump lost the 2020 presidential election — and that cannot be overlooked, said Longwell, the founder of the anti-Trump Republican Accountability Project. A costly mistake. At least he was way better than Trump.

    • How is Vance costing “us” votes, stupid. He may have cost the dummycrats votes because the combination of shitpants Joe, Sore Throat Kamala, and the cowardly Walz has finally made some democrats realize the dummycrat party of today is nothing like the democrat party of FDR. Notice you have the same first name as shitpants Biden. With this dock workers strike you better go out and load up on Depends before there’s a shortage, shitpants Joe.

  9. I understand. It’s tough for you to admit that Vance and the orange turd are total losers and will be flushed next month.


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