BREAKING: ELON MUSK ARREST IMMINENT? UK Police Vow to “Come After” Tech Mogul



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UK needs to address their Muslim problem.


  1. What he said☝️. Freedom of speech the first amendment of the United States constitution! God bless America! What is the UK going to do extradite us to the UK? Hey free vacation I always wanted to travel.

  2. What a JOKE!!!!! England can’t even control its own Illegal Alien Problems and they live on a Island. They have a Huge Muslim, ISIS and ANTIFA Problem and they think they can control an American using his 1st Ammendment Rights. We broke free of their Stone Age rule over 200 years ago so it’s best they learn to keep their Snobbish Noses out of what we here in the United States of America. Maybe we’ll send our Infamous Congressman who publicly claimed that to many people on a Island could Filp it drowning everyone. Maybe he can figure out how to Flip your Bloody Island. In the meantime Bug off

  3. Censorship without representation is tyranny !! Time to remind England who actually won the Revolution and War of 1812…..and who has a Bill of Rights.

  4. YouTube is continually increasing their censorship on comments as hateful speech. I have email YouTube, please respond with what language did you find hateful as I never used hate but peace in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and quote the BIBLE or History from wikepedia regarding wars or facts. I have been banned twice for 1 day each. So I will no longer post. Others state they fear posting their comments for fear YouTube will bann them. So it is happening in the USA. The next step will be for the US Federal or state gov or the individual media platform whichever is posting news articles or videos: YouTube LEFT WING LIBERAL CEO’s and any nation. It appears the ONE WORLD GOV with the ONE WORLD ANTI-CHRIST dictatorship is approaching quicker than expected. READ THESSALONIANS NEW TESTAMENT, DANIEL OLD TESTAMENT, REVELATION LAST BOOK (very short – if do not understand go to a Christian book sstore and get study aides, historical books, thesaurus to understand the words AUTHORIZED VERSION (also Called King James ) is written in OLD ENGLISH in 1611 and NEW REVISED MODERN ENGLISH LANGUAGE KING JAMES is in modern current English language concordances written around 2007 and modern version the past couple of years. IN NEW TESTAMENT – BOOKS written thousands of years ago and book of Revelation by Apostle John written about 2,000 years ago clearly explain the prophecies that are starting to be in motion to being fulfilled NOW.

  5. There are still a number of Brits that are completely aligned with our conservative values, but unfortunately, they seem to be greatly outnumbered by their Marxist/Globalist counterparts. In reality, the government of the UK has NEVER been our ally and for the sake of our sovereignty, we need to stop thinking of them as such. If Iran, China, or Russia threatened to arrest Americans for their online posts, our country would react with a powerful response. But when the UK does exactly the same thing, why are we not equally outraged? The UK and Canada have been skating along under the protection of a strong America for many decades. Now they act as if they’re totally self-sufficient and never needed our support. Britain would have been annihilated during WW2 if not for America’s involvement, and Canada is nothing more than a pushover with their huge land mass and tiny population, long insulated from threats by their strong neighbor to the south. Perhaps the time has come to put them to the test. I don’t believe we should treat them as allies any longer, or involve ourselves in any of their problems, up to and including invasion by foreign powers. And if they so much as look as if they’re going to follow through with these threats to American citizens – on our soil, no less, they should face the full wrath of our power unleashed on them. With “friends” like them, who needs enemies?

  6. Good Luck GB.. Would the Late Queen approve this nonsense .. NO She wouldn’t.. The inmates are running the asylum !! No jurisdiction.. All hot air !!


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