The fact that Press Secretary appeared on The View speaks volumes and shows how pathetic the Harris / Biden camp is.

Hunter is terrified that he will not get a pardon from dad


  1. Although I am not satisfied with both Trump and Harris as the POTUS, I cannot vote for a Felon with the likes of Trump. A man who has committed numerous criminal acts. Americans should not trust a person who have been dishonest all his life, and like his father. Harris committed sinful acts as a prosecutor in prosecuting African American males. However, if Harris will be the RNC choice, I’ll have to vote for Harris. Hopefully, her Christian faith will guide her decisions if she win the election. America need God in the White House, also.

    • I know morals are important, but ability do the job is more important in my mind as POTUS. The ability to lead and stand up to Russia, China, and North Korea are musts. I don’t think V.P. Harris has these qualities. After president Biden appointed her as the border Czar, she basically did nothing except go to Guatemala to try to improve the economy there to make people not want to come to the U.S. Big failure and a waste of time. She only had one job, to stop illegal immigration into the U.S., but under her watch over 10 million illegal immigrants entered our country, and still counting. If she failed with only one job, how do you think she’ll do as POTUS with dozens of critical jobs? I suggest you might want to do some more critical thinking, pray about it, and not just vote for who you believe is the lesser sinner, but vote for who is most qualified.

      • I agree with your comments. Kamala Harris has no qualifications to be even the V.P. Biden picked her because she was black and a female. She has giggled her way through the last 3 1/2 years. I watched a black young lady be questioned “why she was voting for Kama”. She said “she’s black and a female.” After showing some negative clips of Kamala – “she said I didn’t know that. This is what’s wrong. People don’t research the candidates. The first bomb that would hit the White House, the Democrats would be hiding in the bunkers.

      • trump has proved he is NOT QUALIFIED. he isa liar, a criminal, a cheater, a rapist, a delusional spoiled malignant narcissist with ZERO empathy. he’s stupid and lacks any common sense

    • Wake up. The Trump trials WILL be thrown out on appeal. They were a criminal misuse of the justice system!!! Ms. Harris is about as far from a christian as one can get. Look at her hate for Israel

    • What are you talking about? Harris is a Democrat; how can she be the RNC choice? You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about, and you sound like a talking head for the Dems because you’re using all of their talking points and rhetoric about Trump.

    • Really? The biden crime family has been selling American secrets to the chinese for years and anyone else that would pay his sleazy family money. So you are willing to vote for a person that has committed treason instead of one that you do not like the way he talks, you are the problem in this country.

    • Harris is not a Christian. Check out her voting record and her record as DA and AG. She is the furthest thing from Christianity. Apparently you have not been following the real news. Trump is not a criminal. Those were all bogus charges. Everything about ALL of them is unconstitutional and illegal and he’ll win on appeal. Hopefully, there will be criminal charges and disbarment brought against the prosecutors and most of the judges. Even liberal legal minds agree that the charges against Trump are bogus, illegal and unconstitutional.

      • Harris is a train wreck. She’s very prejudice and spiteful, how she can fool people If people would do research on their choice they would make much better decisions..I will never know how someone can make such a monumental decision just based on a name.Well I do know but can’t say!

    • According to Jim Rickards Article “The Fix Is In” he writes: Biden will drop out of race (which he did), sometime before or just after the DNC , Biden will resign from being president making Harris the president. Her first or soon after becoming president , she will Pardon Biden and the whole Biden family, including Hunter, of any and all crimes they have or may have committed so they won’t be able to go after them when Biden is no longer president like they are doing to Trump. So far Rickard’s is right on

    • If you truly want God in the Whitehouse dont vote for Harris! She and Biden have been doing their best to destroy America and are very corrupt.If either are claiming to be christian that is a pretense to hide the fact that they are part of the evil deep state/NWO people. How can you be so blind to what they are doing? It is truly frightening that people support deep state. Unfortunately this country consists largely of people with sheep-like mentality which makes it easy for deep state/NWO people to manipulate and intimadate the masses. What will it take for people who support the deep state to wake up from their trance/apathy state? How much more of the lies, control,censorship,destruction, corruption of morals and restricting freedom will it take to wake people up? A great deal more and that will come but by then it will be too late to stop the agenda of evil people. So suffer you will but dont go crying no one warned you.

    • If you think Harris represents a “Christian”, then it is obvious you have no clue as to what makes someone a Christian!!

    • Harold, whether you are aware enough to realize what is going on, Harris is a communist! Have you listened to her? Christian? Go ahead and vote for Harris. You will lose any religious freedom you have. Trump has been exonerated for most of the crimes of which he has been accused. Are you going to be able to throw the first
      stone? What about Harris sleeping her way to the top of her “Peter Principle?” Unbelievable.

    • If you think Trump’s verdict will not be over turned then you do have your head on backwards. They wouldn’t even tell the defense what the charges were before the trial. There are multiple reason the verdict will be over turned. All they were after was a phony outcome so they could talk about it before it gets overturned.

    • So with your high moral tone you think a lying corrupt ex pornstar Marxist would be better. It’s idiots like you who allowed Hitler to be voted in 90 years ago. Looks like history will repeat itself if you have your way and we’ll end up with another world war.

    • A lot of those charges were false. They didn’t want Trump to run and have tried everything to take him down. Don’t you see that? Are that ignorant?

    • A lot of those charges were false. They didn’t want Trump to run and have tried everything to take him down. Don’t you see that? They tried to impeach him three times and most recently they tried to kill him. Don’t you get it they are afraid of him and the American people as well.The swap doesn’t want to lose the power they hold over us. Notice they are taking away our freedoms more and more each day. They want to turn us into a third world country. Pay attention to all the things they are doing.

  2. God Bless You, Harold …. but please get your priorities straight. I want to strangle Trump 5-6 times per week. Yet, he is the only one on the horizon who can get our country back on track, following the horrible administration of biden/harris. Trust me, you DO NOT WANT kamala harris in The White House. I lived in California for 38yrs, and observed Harris during her “rise” in Democratic Party. Her own father urged her NOT to run for office, for she was so woefully equipped. She cannot think her way out of a wet paper bag. Leader of the Free World? PLEASE. Try to judge Donald Trump on what he can do for the Border, the Economy, our Military, Crime, and every other setback we have suffered in the past 3 1/2 years. He is the only candidate who can deal with the threatening world situation. Good Luck to all of us if he does not get back into The White House. Thank you for reading, Sir.

    • Telling it like it is. Trump is the only hope we have to save our country… He may not be perfect but hes got guts and knows what we Americans are all about… take back our country and Clean out the swamp at all cost and effort.

    • Now don’t be too hard on Kamala. She did use her only skill, acquired from the porno industry, to move up the political ladder and fail at every job she had.

    • Just listen to when Kamala speaks, she isn’t very intelligent. Oh and she never went to the border nor to Europe according to her. The Dems keep saying that Trump is Hitler I don’t recall seeing Hitler in the White House during the four years he was in office. On the contrary he did a lot for the average American and for the military as well. How quickly we forget. People are so ungrateful. What have you done for me lately?

  3. Donald Trump is clearly the only person smart enough to take the helm again. We don’t certainly want an Obama family member in the house when he said at in inauragation. ” I am fundamentally going to change this country”. I will never forget that. He did and he was a disaster, also his wife hated her time in the White House. Get over that element we do not need people in office whose them is ” I will sell you a piece of the USA for money.” Which my friends, Biden has done and probably Obama. Otherwise, how did they get so rich. Donald Trump is the one!

      • People don’t know that Michelle came from a well-to-do family they made their wealth in this country not in Africa. They should be gratefully they live in the United States of American as am I. I thank this great country every day. I’m an immigrant from Cuba and all I can tell you if they continue to elect these radical politicians we will lose our republic. Harris has said she wants to change the supreme court, and do away with the electoral college dose that sound like a person who wants to keep the republic as we know it to be? The dems want to change the Constitution. Is this what Americans want? The Constitution of the United States is the only document of its kind and we are the only country in the world to have such a document as it is. Yes, there many countries that have a constitution but not one that says “For The People By The People”. Let’s not forget they work for us not the other way around.

  4. The demonrats are the masters of lieing they cannot even open thier mouths without lieing and TRUMP has been found innocent on all charges “those without sin cast the first stone”

  5. 1: kamala is not black
    2 men can have babies
    3 women can do what men can do need proof watch has men compete with women at the Olympics
    4 the southern border is not open
    5 the cartel is our friend
    6 thier is nothing wrong with child sex slavery at the southern border
    7 illegal immigrants are not breaking laws at the southern border
    8 illegal immigrants are not criminals from every nations prisons
    9 America loves high inflation
    10 kamala Harris will even be worse then crooked Joe plus she will not sell us to China communist like crooked Joe Biden but will give America for free to communist China

  6. Poor Harold.. Drank the Kool-Aid. Look around, believe YOUR eyes, ears, check book. Are you a mushroom? Are you better off? Vote POLICY, POLICY, POLICY, not what team you are cheering for. High School ended decades ago. I guess if a man can morph into a woman, a little 6 year old can take testosterone to become a he/she, and a male can beat women in sporting competitions, a woman of Asian Indian decent suddenly becomes a “black”, then I guess I’m pretty stupid to even ask how an adult human with a functioning brain can turn into a lemming or a sheep, but in the make-believe world of the Left, anything born of fantasy is possible. Good luck, Harry… You’re gonna need it.

    • Thank you. I’m glad to see that there are still some of us who are capable of critical and independent thinking. Bless lil Harold’s heart.

    Wake up. The Trump trials WILL be thrown out on appeal. They were a criminal misuse of the justice system!!!
    Harold, please go lay down and rest your low IQ.

  8. WOW !! Interesting comments !! America needs Donald Trump. He is presently the only candidate that has what it takes to straighten out this mess that our country is in. Joe is not mentally able to run this country and Kamala is worse yet. The REAL PEOPLE of California know the true Kamala and how she was able to WORK her way up in ALL her accomplishments. Sadly America is on a fast track downhill and it is being accelerated by our pathetic education systems. Our colleges are turning out educated idiots more than we are intelligent productive individuals. The theory that “everone” needs to go to college has been proven to be wrong. We need to go back to VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Maybe if we get rid of some of these wannabe college graduates and get some common sense back in our country we just might be able to undo out title of a country full of educated idiots.

  9. I think the people making these comments are worst off and drinking to much coolaid. What’s really sad is the people of this country thinks they know everything and everyone. All your doing is putting our country at risk turning everyone against each other. Stick to your side, keep it to yourself,and vote for who you want. We don’t need to be criticizing, telling lies, starting more trouble just like the runners do to each other.

    • The last time I checked it’s a free country with freedom of speech. If you don’t like it turn off the channel.

  10. kamala is not a Christian. A true Christian woman would not have carried on with Willie Brown the way she did.

    “Vice President Kamala Harris got her start in politics at age 29, when she was just out of law school, at the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, where she met a 60-year-old kingmaker: California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown — arguably then the state’s most powerful politician.

    Brown, while estranged from his wife, remained married. However, socially, he and Harris were seen everywhere and never denied being close. Brown appointed Harris to several well-paid state commissions: the state Insurance Commission, the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later, the California Medical Assistance Commission.”


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