I know of 5 targeting Trump: . ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC.

Myorkis should be charged with High TREASON.


  1. In my opinion the whole upper democrats should be arrested and tried for treason, they opened the border and allowed this country to be over thrown with criminals. I’m sick of hearing about January 6 anyone with half a brain knows polosy and her demonic group organized the whole thing.

  2. I concur with the above, but the Dems are now busy fixing the election following one of the many Chinese strategies and unlimited CCP money. This is how the 2020 election was rigged and Biden became the Manchurian president. sad but true, it will not matter what a real vote count happens or other events,Trump will be removed or eliminated before, during, or after Nov. 5, 2024, and unless this is understood and addressed the GOP has not any possibility to win this election for the White House.

  3. The high leaders of the Democrat are behind trying to knock Trump off, wake up America, The Bidens, Clintons, Obama are the top ones who wants trump knocked off,,, The News Media is part of this, The Devil will come in sheep clothing,,,, The DemocRats,,

  4. All I can say that we will have to fight and he will take the Presidency. We can’t let them win by cheating again like they did in 2020. Enough of this incompetent bunch of bunglers who don’t know their asses from their elbows. The only thing they know is crooked politics, cheating, getting their pockets full of billions. They should all get the firing squad for treason.

  5. Trump should hire his own security. My God 5 Assassination Teams to kill Trump and our rotten despicable Communist government does little or nothing because they want to see Trump dead. News for them if they kill Trump I believe this country will explode. I am sick to death of what has become of my country.

    • the INCOMPETENCE of our gov’t. and “agencies” that we slaves are forced to pay for, is the best reason to separate from the abuse and STOP funding the feds. States rights, just like in 1861, when America was still a republic. We are the Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika now

  6. VOTE VOTE VOTE because if these Communists win our country will be the new Soviet Union. They will of course cheat to win but we cannot let them. The very soul of this nation is at stake.

    • we defeated NAZI Germany 80 years ago. We are NAZI Amerika today. Bill Clinton & Janet Reno founded the Gestapo in Amerika. Were you paying attention? Have you woke up yet? IF not, you will die too

      • Looking back to Nov. 22, 1963, it’s now easy to see that the democrat party died that day and the Marxist began taking over that party. The democrat party has been transformed into the dummycrat socialist party. They call republicans nazis, but nazi is slang for the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Then the dummycrats will call republicans fascist. But the fascist were in Italy, led by Mussolini who was Hitler’s ally. The dummycrats also call us imperialist, but they were led by Tojo, who was also an ally to Hitler. Then there’s good ole uncle Joe Stalin, who actually persecuted more Jews than Hitler did. Notice the similarity between JOE Biden and JOE Stalin? It’s no wonder the dummycrats support terrorist that want to murder all Jews.

  7. So if they have five teams going against Trump, why can’t the Republicans fight back and go after the Democrats? I’m just curious. I don’t understand this how Democrats can get away with all this crap and nobody does nothing about it. What the hell is our country come to where the Democrats have to try and take out a president to keep the power to destroy this country? The whole Democratic party is corrupted. Our whole government is corrupt. Everyone of those Democrats should be tried for treason. So what would happen if we had assassinations the Republicans against the Democrats? If the Democrats can get away with it then why can’t the Republicans retaliate and do the same thing. Just curious

  8. So why can’t President Trump do video campaigning? In other words, why can’t he stay in his home and have a video screen monitor set up at these rallies where he would not be in danger?
    Second of all, our government is so corrupted and sucks, so bad, every single one of them from the Senate to the Congress to our so-called anti-American communist, traitor, who should be in prison all of them for treason President and biggest, liar on the face of this earth Harris should all be in prison. I believe in fight fire with fire, and eye for an eye.
    So since the government isn’t going to do anything, obviously about protecting us American people and let’s say they do assassinate President Trump, how are the Republicans going to fight back? What is this going to turn into World War III and United States Democrats against Republicans because the Democrats are nothing but freaking loser crybabies? Hell we’re all so stressed out, we’re all going to have heart attacks just won the shit that’s going on from the Democrats. I think we should start sending Harris and Bidendick our hospital bills for treatments, anxiety pills, and what not. All of this just breaks my heart and millions of others that our government has stooped this damn low to win the power to destroy this country. KARMA will get all of them. The Universe knows who does good and who does bad so hopefully she takes care of the problem.
    And these freaking commercials by Harris just stresses me out iPhone to three TV stations and bitch them out about these commercials. Every commercial during shows is all about Harris on how President Trump is horrible, etc., it is sickening how she can lie that much and still eat with that mouth of hers. God help us all🙏🙏🙏

  9. Who originally knew that Trump was actually such a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses? It’s unfortunate that he got 4 years to screw up by adding 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt, after promising a balanced budget. At least he didn’t get another term to turn the USA into a shithole country. He should never get his tiny hands on taxpayer’s money again. His only expertise is bankruptcy. A colossal failure as president!

  10. Truly, it’s a shame that Trump turned out to be such a horseshit president, and worse that the GOP couldn’t find a better candidate in 2020. Anyone else could have beaten Biden, except the orange turd. He really is a joke.


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