Obama needs to be forced to leave , he’s up to no good

I do not care what Obama, Hillary, Pelosi,Blinken, or any other Democrat think about Trump. I personally can not wait to vote him in and have a President that is for the people AND will save our beautiful nation.


      • …and you think comments by the deranged Dems are OK? What about the most recent one by a SC Justice, Sotomayer ? That because of the immunity ruling, Biden could order the Navy Seals to assassinate President Trump? That is giving ideas to already deranged Dems and a SC justice should have known better. But there are so many stupid and threatening comments made almost on a daily basis by the Dems that should be considered terrorist comments, but it only applies to the conservatives. Once again, double standards.

      • Still, wouldn’t it be just so cool to see…Televised, and if Pay Per View, it would make millions…I’d pay to see it.

  1. Corruption and Lies and Violence is a way of life for Democrats I would think they will us Violence against Trump.

    • The more chaos you create the more the confusion over who to blame. This is what democrats thrive on. This is nothing more than the old shell game.

  2. The obutheads should not be near the white House, these traitors, did their damage, so get the hell out of the election. We know, the only way u won your election was through, lying, cheating, vote dumping, u should of never been elected, to be able to destroy our country ,and split it in two, u pos. U need to watch out, for u are a hated man, by many, for selling us out, once a traitor, always a traitor, stay the fk away from our elections.

    • You said it all. Obama has a mansion in D.C. so he can be close to the WH and Congress. This bum did a lot of damage when he and Eric Holder put together that Steal the 2020 election and install the Puppet Biden. Obama is behind all of this shadow government coverup and Biden is his puppet. They should all go to jail because they have to be held accountable for selling out the United States. They’ve turned our beautiful country upside down and have insane Migrants killing Americans.

  3. Michelle Obama as President and Barack Obama as Vice President. That will be the winning ticket, although they may have to cheat again to win. Then Michelle will resign, and we are stuck with 4 more years with Barack Hussein Obama as President again. Then he will become the Biblical Antichrist of the New World Order’s one-world government. Want to know more? Join my mailing list at [email protected]

  4. It’s probably Ex President loose lips and threatening to bomb NATO. His attitude toward people who are not white. He continue to talk bad about immigrants and his wife is one. Trump should have keep Covid 19 at bay but he is and stupid with no idea about policy and procedures. The president has to have vote from the house and senate to make decisions. Trump and his clan is racist. I will probably end up with death threat for speaking. When they start bombing American homes the big Republican Insurance companies don’t cover terrorist acts. He mocked black people about be criminals. Sibling are haters and Trumps sister stated he is evil.

  5. I believe ALL should stop bad mouthing, AND START PRAYING, EVERYONE OF THEM REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATICS, SUPREME COURT JUDGES, any that was voted into office in the United States lips are cut the same, being said they All are liars, no such thing as a black lie or a white lie a liar is a liar color doesn’t matter only when they want to push their own agenda. They All made bad decisions patting each other on their backs then stabbing them in the backs, yes America is going down because man is corrupt, selfish, and Evil, there is no love for their fellowman. No president has EVER ACTED and DONE what Troop has done, No president has continued to stay in office when they knew they were not able to preform the duties. Troop has proven he is above the law, he has said to the United States KISS MY A__. We as citizens can’t do and say what he has done and said without being arrested and served jail time. What America has/is doing is taking the wrong for the right, calling black white, calling evil good, we no longer have fear of God, and we no longer respect ourselves and neither do the other countries, and you have the nerve to say God bless America. Stop lying to yourselves.


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