BREAKING: RFK Jr. just made a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT on TOP podcast!!!!



Praying for President Trump. Our country is in big trouble. God is with him.



  1. Trump will destroy the United States of America if elected president. No one has ever been elected president with ONE FELONY let alone with 34. He has been found guilty of having unwanted sex. He has been found guilty of paying a PORN STAR hush money. Trump stole untold boxes of classified documents. He should be in PRISON not the WHITEHOUSE!!

    • You’re not on top of things. Those indictments are a scam. Bill Clinton paid hush money to Monica Lewinsky it’s not a crime. They are trying everything to stop our great President who gave us 4 great prosperous years, no wars. Made us energy independent first time ever! Open your Frkn eyes. The Demoncrats are trying to turn USA Communist!! Kamala & Walz are so corrupt & liars. What has Kamala done in 4 years nothing but open borders and millions of illegals
      Trump kept all his promises. Not like Demoncrats who just lie are taking everything good away no more freedom

      VOTE TRUMP TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY!! He’s not a Felon it’s all a scam trying to stop Trump to clean the Swamp!! A Corrupt judge too

      • Trump tried to cover up his hush money payment to protect his chances of winning the election. Clinton wasn’t running for anything. Trump kept all his promises? What about Mexico paying for the wall. That didn’t happen. COVID would just disappear and be gone quickly. That didn’t happen. Reduce taxes? That did happen but him and his rich friends were the biggest winners on that one. Build the wall. Didn’t finish that one.

        • Bless your heart! You STILL listen to CNN and MSNBC’s fake news narrative. Maybe you should re-read Karl Marx. Your party is in lock step with his directive.
          Lets Go Brandon…and Cumala.

      • Only Trump can save America. The squandering media has brainwashed you, which makes those of you easy targets to believe their lies.
        You want socialism, then vote democrat, and you will see your world turned upside down. You won’t own a damn thing that you own now.

        • I guess if you want to live in a dictatorship because tRump has scared you into believing we are on the brink of destruction….

          Let’s just see how this debate goes. We’ll see if the “almighty one” can do better than “Childcare is childcare.”

    • Your bias against DJT is only exceeded by your stupidity. All convictions against DJT are lawfare directed by his opponents and will be overturned. Your inability to admit the truth shows that YOU are a part of the leftist/marxist/elitist problem today.

    • Hey, Charles, where were you in 2017-2021? Out spending all the money you saved because of PRESIDENT Trump’s tax cuts for us? Were you born yesterday? The country did great under PRESIDENT Trump. He didn’t destroy it. He prevented wars. He made the USA an energy producing country. He created the lowest unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians in history and for women in 60 years.
      Facts don’t support your Trump Deranged Syndrome.
      On the pother hand, Brandon and Camelhair have allowed invasions everywhere, raising taxes on us, caused gas to go to almost $5 gal, thus food and all other products’ costs have skyrocketed and inflation is sky high, people can’t afford mortgages nor down payments for homes.
      Poor Charley, take your blankey, hot chocolate and box of tissues and go sit with the other crying babies.

      • Penelope, can you explain how tRump “…prevented wars?”

        And as for that low unemployment….” the lowest unemployment rate on record for African Americans was under President Joe Biden, and the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics was the same under both presidents.”

        “Women also had their lowest unemployment rate since the 1950s under Biden…”

        Remove the extra spaces in the URL to access the source – can’t use links on this site: https. ://

        PLease provide links to your assertions.

    • You’re a waste of air space. Read the real news and updates. No charges were ever brought at the state level because they had no case. Jean Carroll is a wacko. She allegedly named her cat vagina. She lives in a house in the woods with a bunch of rats. Trump was not charged with the rape that she claims. He apparently believes that doing that tends to establish that she has a pathological preoccupation centering around sex.The 34 guilty charges were resurrected with an ambitious wanna be DA and a corrupt judge who’s compromised – he’s a Trump hater and his wife works for the Dem party. The trial was in a Dem district, with a Dem DA, a Dem judge who wouldn’t allow the defense to present their case. It was before a Dem jury, which the defense was not allowed to interview. The was zero legality about any of this farce of a trial. Trump can’t appeal until he’s sentenced. Trump’s ex-attorney was imprisoned for perjury – he doesn’t know how to tell the truth. Stormy is a porno queen and she had nothing to tell. All of these indictments are bogus and were never charged until Trump announced his candidacy for President. Your heroes are running scared. The only way they can win is imprisonment or assassination. How can it be a charge of unwanted sex without being a charge of rape?! The documents that Trump had were in his possession legally as President, just like Obama, Bill Clinton (not Hillery), Bush and many presidents before him. The documents found in Biden’s possession were obtained illegally when he was a senator, a VP and a citizen – only a president can be in possession. Biden wasn’t going to be charged because of his dementia (long before he stepped down and it was acknowledged that he had diminished capacity). The raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago was illegal and the evidence was tampered with, which is now being investigated. I could go on and on but this would turn into the great American novel – there is no condensed version. If you read the real news, you would have read all of this already. Pause…

    • Dont be ridiculous. Where are you coming from with that absurd thought? Trump was already in the Presidency for 4 years, remember? Why didn’t he DESTROY, TAKE DOWN, RIP AMERICA APART THEN? How did he know he would have another chance to run. But you are saying THIS TIME he will destroy America? In the last 4 years of Biden and Harris there was the destroying. Our border, drugs, sex trafficking, child trafficking, other countries laughing at us !! I think you may have it wrong.


    • Charles, you are completely misguided. The Democrats know that they couldn’t beat Trump with Biden so they rounded up all the Democratic lawyers and Judges to use an age-old political stunt of “lawfare” using only Soros-backed DA’s and democratic judges in heavily Democratic states to attack Trump where even other Democratic lawyers and scholars would not condone some of the charges or failed to even find what crime was committed. None of the charges you believe aree valid will NOT stand up in appeals courts. The bad news is these kangaroo court shennigans will go unpunished until the next election.

    • Do you live in a box? Do you not hear that Biden closed the pipe lines down, opened the border, gives away billions to illegals, Americans pay for all this and our veterans, homeless and Americans get no benefits? Democrats become rich as soon as they are elected to office; how does that work? Obama is an excellent example of this who didn’t have a pot to pee in before elected, now he owns several homes worth millions, ditto with the Clintons and Biden. Trump was rich before elected and remains rich afterwards. Open your eyes and ears and know what’s going on around you before you spread your lies. VOTE FOR TRUMP/VANCE.

    • I guess you never heard of Kangaroo Courts either? Or the term lawfare. How sad this country has gotten that individuals can’t smell the coffee.
      And maybe paying $12.00 for a dozen eggs doesn’t bother you? You enjoy getting ripped off while the Bribem’s and other Dems are destroying our country letting our citizens get raped and murdered? Fentanyl killing 400 a day. Vote for this Zmarxist piece of scum!

  2. Biden stole documents too and covered up a laptop. Bill Clinton had sex in the oral office. Hillary destroyed loads of evidence. Obama indirectly killed a US Border patrol Agent with his gun purchases. Harris bailed out violent protesters. Paying for sex was kind of tame compared to them and it happened before he served

  3. Voting Red across the board to save our wonderful country. Harris wants to make us a communist 3rd world country, has no experience afraid to communicate with the press how is she going to talk with heads of state from other countries. Such as Russia, Korea or any heads of state etc Trump was strong and respected by these people they see Harris and Biden as weak and easy to manipulate in other words don’t take them seriously. God bless America

    • This is why she will be friends with all our communist enemies, she’s one of them and wants our country to become Venezuela, Guatamala, Iran, China, North Korea. These Socialists/Marxists we have running our country want full control. Everytime they hear of a shooting in a school, starts them talking about taking our guns away. If we do that, we will have these communist monsters like Kamala, Tim Walz, Obama, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Omar, Talib and Pressley forever, because we won’t be able to defend ourselves. I’m hoping President Trump wipes the floor with her and ABC when they debate tomorrow night. It’ll be fixed to favor the laughing Hyena Kamala.

      • After Trump wipes the floor with her, et al, he’ll have to have it disinfected. The end goal with these commies is One World Order and has been for quite some time. Obummer was selected by Soros. Hitlery was supposed to finish the destruction of America – she wasn’t supposed to lose. It was the 16-year plan. Obama has been running the show these last 3 1/2 years – Biden was just a puppet. Kamala will also be just a puppet with Obummer again pulling the strings. We can’t let that happen! Vote Trump/Vance 2024!!!

      • Oh pixiegirl, how have you not noticed how tRump PRAISES Putin, Kim Jong Un, Viktor Orban, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Xi Jinping? If those aren’t those communists/dictators in your eyes, why not? PLEASE EXPLAIN!

        While you’re at it, can you tell us what tRump meant by, “Child care is child care?”

  4. I was listening to some on the street interviews with potential voters who gave some troubling and disturbing reasons why they would be DEFINITELY voting for Harris. The one reason which I found peculiar was because she was a WOMAN. All identified as DEMOCRAT, also. How can these folks say they will vote for her because of her gender when they cannot even define what a woman is????? Maybe by election day she/he may be a man!!!!

    • I watched that interview with some voters and the only thing I can think of as to why they would vote for her is because she’s a woman. What a terrible mark she is giving women. I’m sure there are women out there who would make a great President, but now we don’t stand a chance because of how she has depicted a woman in her position. She’s nothing but a stupid laughing hyena. She really has nothing – no brains, a terrible dresser, hair always disheveled, wears the same pantsuits, and laughs hysterically at nothing. Does anyone know what she finds so funny? She’s just as much an embarrassment as Biden is. These people who would vote for her are stupid I’m sorry to say. There are an awful lot of stupid people who think she’s great. It’s our stupid people that we have today that may put her over the top. Hopefully, Trump will wipe the floor with her.

      • Hillery was also a terrible example of a woman running for President. That’s two black marks against us women. I can’t personally think of a good example just yet although, just like you, I think there’s probably some.

  5. WE Can not be A communist Country like North Korea , Russia, china, Cuba , Valenzuela. Life here will be hell on EARTH. Pray hearthfully for the protection of DJTrump. 2024!!!! He loves America and of course the Americans.

  6. Another two months, of this incompetent, corrupt, administration, and phony, fake president, and even worse, the worse VP in American history. They want to promote the worse, to the best, don’t be ridiculous, this woman is totally unfit for the job. She is a total marxist, comrade scamula chameleon, harris chronic liar, like hidenbiden, can’t believe anything she says, she’s a joke.

    • New Hampshire has a lot of these stupid old women who just love Kamala, the Hyena. These are the people that worry me when we vote. I want to see her get close to a ZERO vote. Nancy Pelosi still makes her stupid accusations against President Trump. She said she doubts he’ll show up for the debate and he’s a coward. What a pile of crap that comes out of this idiot Pelosi’s mouth. Trump will have to shut these idiots up for good.

  7. Tell your viewers to get the book called miracles from the vault an anthology of underground cures by the health sciences institute. People start utilizing these cures then we could say goodbye to the big pharma kiss our butts, good bye big pharma!

  8. Face the facts: Trump has always been a total loser. First Hillary got 3 million more votes. Then Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies. Then Trump lost at his failed Red Tsunami. Voters will flush the POS in November AGAIN. He’s a joke, and chosen as the worst president in history.

    • Juan, I could not agree more with you.

      And there was Trump’s invite to the Taliban to come to Camp David! He’d invite Hitler if Hitler wasn’t dead.

  9. I know your not voting for Trump because you don,t like him, wellif we have to go through hell for another 4 years,Harris lies,copies what Trump said he,s going to do for America, she doesn,t know what the hell she,s talking about, some of my family voted for Biden ,the regret it now, Their voting for Trump, he,s for Americans, wake up world, your going to regret it ,if you vote for someone, that don,t know what the hell shes doing, someone will be telling her what to do,just like Biden did,they want America destroyed, and if you vote for Harris ,you have your self to blame, Trump never took money for being president, and if that doesn,t show he was for All Americans than I will pray for you, VOTE TRUMP FOR AMERICA,GOD BLESS AMERICA PEOPLE, WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER, AGAIN, GOD LOVES US ALL.

  10. Anyone who thinks Trump is okay in any way is delusional too. God help us if he gets elected. And if all of you Trump supporters think he’s going to do anything for you or this country except destroy democracy you’re so mistaken. How do you look yourself in the mirror when you support this moron and his idiot running mate JD Vance? Trump lack basic morals and JD Vance is a total joke. If Trump doesn’t make it through his presidency that’s who would be our president!! OMG, think for yourselves instead of sounding like you don’t have a clue. Believe me the “orange” one is not your savior.

  11. Hay Charlie you are the biggest dumb ass this country has ever seen.
    you are like a christma turkey full of shit waiting to be slaughtered think with your rain not your ass dumb ass TRUMP 2024 save all of us frome the evil democrats kill em them all TRUMP WILL WIN 79% in THE POLLS
    HARRIS 1.9% and caught red handed fake polling being investgated by the FBI jail the bitch

  12. trump flopped so badly in the debate – rant, rant, rant over the same old stuff. He saw someone reporting on TV that a pet was eaten – like TV makes that real…. he seemed old, tired, and boring.


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