BREAKING: Trump Lawyer SHOCKS the WORLD With Latest News!



I’m VOTING for PRESIDENT TRUMP a man who cares and is for his country and people not against them !!! God bless Trump and the American people 24

Stand with President Trump. Vote for President Trump/Vance 2024 to save our country ❀


  1. WOWsy WOW 😼
    More and Much More TRULY TRUMPassTIC CRAZY CRAP đŸ’© for AMAZING AMERICA đŸ‡ș🇾 and the Rest of the World đŸ—ș đŸ€źđŸ˜±

  2. I Hope there is a campaign ad that breaks down the cost of each ‘Undocumented Alien” that is brought to this country by this current administration. I would Love to see the amount of money given monthly in Cash, and Healthcare, Lodging, Travel Costs, and the Many other Benefits (of which are many) which often, I’m certain, outdo the benefits given to Americans that have put into these programs all their lives. It’s All done secretly and we must make this public information.

  3. How can any expect a failure like Trump to run the country? With 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies, he is a total buffoon at economics. He already cost us 48 TRILLION dollars. It’s unfortunate that GOP chose Trump to run for reelection after being a disaster in his first term. Trump never really wins anything.
    2016-Hillary beat him by 3 million votes.
    2020-Biden flushed him by 6 million votes.
    2022-Trump failed with his Red Tsunami.
    Court cases-Zero wins.
    Overturn election attempt-Failed again.
    2024 Debate- crushed by a woman he calls stupid.
    Obviously, he is just a total loser. The orange turd will be flushed, as usual, in Roevember. Obviously the worst most incompetent POTUS in history, and an embarrassment to America.

    • how can anyone have her head so far up her own ass

      that she can’t see what pedophile joe and comrade harris

      have done to destroy this country

      my wish for you….a gang of MS13 shows up at your house

      for the weekend!!!!!

      • You should know. Apparently your head is so deep in your own ass that you can’t see the blatantly obvious!!!!! Where is any credible proof of your idiotic claims??? You are just spewing and repeating garbage that you heard without an credibility.

  4. Sorry, Trump “only” cost us $8 TRILLION dollars with his mishandling of the budget. MY TYPO ERROR. However, one of his many fake promises was to eliminate the deficit, not add more than all previous presidents combined. He’s a joke.

  5. A sandwich shop outside of Pittsburgh refused to let Senator J.D. Vance host a planned campaign event, instead reportedly forcing the Republican vice-presidential nominee to shake hands in a parking lot. Vance should know where he isn’t wanted. Especially in Ohio, after his moronic lies. Hard to tell who is the dumbest. The weirdo or the senile orange turd. Trump probably.

  6. Yeah Marion sure, wake up and get your head out of your behind, the most incompetent POTUS in history is FJB, close second is Jimmy Carter,
    Get real, trump led a great economy, and got a lot accomplished until COVID happened.

    • Obvious! The incompetent buffoon, in one short term, added more ($8 TRILLION) to the deficit than all previous presidents combined. What a failure Trump was at playing president. We keep repeating this to the maga-morons. They don’t dispute it, but does it really sink into their thick skulls? Doesn’t appear so.

  7. Let’s note a few of Obama’s accomplishments: The Affordable Care Act, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Marriage Equality, and the US coming out of the recession. Trying to think of any of Trump’s. Anything? Anybody?

  8. It is very easy to tell by the responses, led by Jag, that most of you are busy watching mainstream media and believing ALL THEIR LIES. Trump was a great President. He was the one that had the wall built, lowered crime rates, increased paychecks. He also ran a very successful business. You all need to learn the facts and watch some real new. Also, get out of your mommys’ basements and get a job and a real life.

    • Diane:
      You will have to remove the two spaces after https (space) (space) as this website doesn’t allow links.

      The “Wall” that Mexico would PAY FOR and DIDN’T, “This means that in areas where no barricades existed before, they have built 15 miles of new, primary barrier or “border wall system”, as it is called by CBP.”
      Source: https ://

lowered crime rates
” No, not true. “Trump Wrong on Crime Record”
      Source: https ://

increased paychecks
” Yeah, kind of, but there is more to the story, read about it here:
      https ://

      “He also ran a very successful business.” Yeah, for a while, then he ran them into the ground – SIX times.
      Source: https ://

      I live in an $865,000 house, with no basement. I am retired from a successful career.


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