Chicago Black Women LOSE IT Over White Communists DEMANDING They SHUT UP About Illegal Immigrants!



Black American stop voting for the democratic party please Trump 2024

And Trump got criticized for WEEKS for saying “black jobs”


  1. Brother, why are you worrying the illegals taking the so called jobs from black citizens. black citizens of Chicago continue to vote for the same people who care nothing about them. and are F****king them up.

  2. Why should black people not be pissed. They were here first and it isn’t right. Black people have a right to work and live in America. God we have to stop this racism. For the majority – we should join together because there are good people and we can work and live together.

  3. Malcolm X told his fellow blacks to beware of the white liberals. White liberals are Marxist racists who don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves. Stop being tokens and start voting Republican. Dummycrats are Marxist!

  4. Black people are doing this to themselves, they are the ones voting these people in office. How long is it going to take black people to wake up? stop being stupid!!

  5. Stop voting blue or say goodbye to our country and our freedom,another 4 years of this corrupt,anti-american administration and say goodbye to America,Trump 2024

  6. Nice to see people starting to wake up, doesn’t matter what your racial identity is, our “ so called representatives” seem to care more for the illegals than US citizens. I’m on fixed income, I’d like to get a $4000 monthly allowance, free rent, free healthcare , “ get out of jail free cards”. How many of you out there feel the same way?
    Now it’s being reported in Ohio that Haitian people are killing pets to eat
    When is “ enough, enough?”

  7. It never ceases to amaze me that Blacks and Jews predominately vote for Democraps. Then they kvetch about how bad things are. When will they wake up and start voting for Republicans? If they vote Republican, things can only get better. They can’t get any worse than they already are. Yes, in Ohio, Haitian illegals are killing people’s pets for food. Why can’t the rotten bastards be deported back to Haiti? We the People don’t want them here. At some point, the illegal bastards will face “street justice”.

  8. What a loser Trump turned out to be. There has never been a bigger joke than Trump for president. He’s turned into a senile old fool who can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or getting off topic, like all his nonsense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales and windmills, rigged elections, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, toilet flow, etc. He’s an f’nn lunatic. The orange turd will be flushed AGAIN in November.

    • Hey Samuel. You must have been dropped on your head repeatedly, as a child. Did your parents hate you? Go watch some more CNN & MSDNC and leave the talking to sane adults.

  9. Who was that lunatic calling black people racist, for calling out the illegal problem? It’s about time the black community is realizing they are being kicked to the curb by the demoncrats.


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