CNN Host Dana Bash WALKS OFF SET after JD Vance ANNIHILATES Her DEFENDING Tim Waltz ‘Stolen Valor’



Dana did an awful job. A good reminder of just how dishonest and biased she is.

It’s no wonder CNN are losing viewers. This woman is just unbearable. So self entitled.


  1. I have a question…I have listened to Kamala in her speeches say “we know the boarder is broken but we know how to fix it.” She has also said the same thing about the economy. If she has the solutions NOW and she has the power and authority to fix it, why then, with approximately 3 months until the election does she not take the steps to fix the boarder and economy? People are still flooding the boarder and entering illegally and we are still struggling to make ends meet daily. This is insane! If she started to take the necessary steps then we would get an idea of her NEWLY adopted policies. She had a major hand in creating the mess and now she will only clean up the mess if she becomes president. That’s CRAZY! JD Vance did a great job on this interview.

    • In one of Kamala’s campaign speeches, she said she would fix the economy. Trump asked why she hadn’t already done that in the last
      3 1/2 years.

    • The house had a bill and the Republicans tanked it because they wanted to have something to harp about during this election

      • The house bill was to allow 5000 illegals a day into the country. How would they count these illegals?

        Republicans said it wasnt good enough. It is still allowing illegals in the country.
        Close the border democrats. What is the problem with that?

      • Another brainwashed, brain-dead cult follower. Have some more Kool-Aid. Kind of reminiscent of the Jim Jones cult in Guyana in 1978. He mass-murdered over 900 Americans, 304 of which were children who drank cyanide-laced Flavor Aid (Kool-Aid). Jim Jones previously had all of the followers turn over their incomes and property and move to his compound in Guyana. This is an eye-opener for those who can still be saved from the Neo-Dems. This is kind of what’s happening now, without lacing the Kool-Aid (yet). They want to control every aspect of your lives, take all your money, share your properties with the illegals, punish you if you
        dare defy them as you won’t have a voice, allow criminals to run free (as they work for the Dem leaders) – the criminal list goes on. You can get the picture if you choose. I personally like my freedom and don’t plan on giving it up. We need America back pre-Biden/Harris and NO WAY Kamala/Walz. Go Trump/Vance 2024!

  2. Your headline is a deceptive lie as well. What the “F**k you I’m out!!!” comment all about. Was it just to get someone to watch the video?

    • Yes — it was click bait. I watched the whole 40 minute video, and that never happened. They even thanked each other for the interview. Typical fake headlines and news from the untruthful media. They are not to be believed about anything.

  3. Vance took control and ran the ball to a touchdown against those liars.
    Neal Cuvutto, Fowler and Juan Williams also need to go to CNN.

    • Totally agree about Cavutto, Fowler and Williams. I can’t stand watching any of them. Cavutto is a RINO host and Fowler and Williams are die-hard
      Dem mouthpieces.

  4. Dana Bash is a very good journalist who has more ethics and morals than Just Dumbass Vance! Just Dumb Vance needs to be called on for causing her to walk off stage. I would’ve slapped his face and done more than walk8ng off stage! He needs to apologize and beg for mercy! I despise that f..king idiot cross dressing, a moral, non Appalachian pervert! He is why people don’t want to have children 1) they don’t want their children to turn out like him; and 2) they don’t want their children to live in a Project 2025 world. Any of you who think it couldn’t happen need to do their research and wake the f..k up!

  5. Earth to Dana: you are a worthless HACK …. you will not and cannot win a word of words with JD Vance. Suggest you SMILE every once in a while, just to hint that you are a human being instead of a paid hatchet girl …

  6. Typical LibL Can’t take any response that is not fawning of a ding-a-ling Liberal. I have been on the phone 40 very long minutes with Kamala and have no doubt she is a “Ding-a-Ling.”

  7. Harris had to through Biden overboard! They could not have used the threat to use the 25th amendment with-out her signing on! Period!


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