CNN RIGGING debate in Biden’s favor | Trump WILL FIGHT Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Biden


TOP COMMENTS FROM VIDEO BELOW Follow Larry Elder. Stephen Gardner and Larry Elder discuss how this debate will likely wreck Biden and help Trump. Elder shares how Trump needs to approach the rest of his election campaign.

I am voting For President Donald J. Trump 2024 ❤️


  1. Those running for office to represent the people, at least by age 75, should be required to take a cognitive test to prove they are up to the task. This should begin NOW!

    • I agree!! If that WERE the case in 2020, Biden wouldn’t have been able to run!! Even Ray Charles could have seen that!

  2. Rigged or not, stupid old senile poopypants Joe lived up to his name and screwed up a debate that totally rigged in his favor. No wonder the dummycrats want someone else. Joe is worse off than their lies could cover up.

    • We don’t want someone else, 90 minutes, is only a few minutes of his term! I believe he has done, a great deal for our country. He has already lured manufacturers to come to America and make their products here. Semiconductor companies are building factories here now! The infrastructure bill is helping build new bridges and repair the older bridges , roads are being constructed or repaired. He will keep the ACA, that has added millions of people to their rolls. Trump was going to make a new, much better plan, and you know how that went .
      Biden will protect our SS and Medicare. Republicans call them entitlements, no, we paid into these programs ,our entire working lives!!

      • As a contractor and providing my men with a good living wage I have seen the costs that inflation have done that make repairs or building new out of the reach for the average American. demanding that wages be raised for jobs never intended to support a family wont solve the problems. letting in millions from south America that put the burden upon the taxpayer to provide support will ruin our economy.
        I just protested to the county the installers that were in my neighborhood installing the new cables for the internet that only one in a crew of fifteen could speak English. that was fourteen jobs taken from citizens. while they were here we had six home break-ins and many items stolen. who do you think pays for all their medical benefit’s? Medicaid. who pays for their children’s school? who pays for their housing?

        Biden pulled out of iran and left six billion dollars worth of military equipment and arms that are now in the hands of the Taliban. he canceled a pipeline that would have been the source of many high paying jobs that were to last for many years. America was self reliant upon its own energy. now he has reduced our oil reserves to nearly nothing.

        oil purchased under Trump at a low price that must be replaced with high priced foreign oil. you refer to the green energy he says he provides. photo voltaic cells that are not made here but China.

        cells that the best made are only 30 percent efficient that can only be used where the sun shines most of the day and are useless at night. wind power that is now being abandoned by many countries because of high maintenance costs. also high failure rates because of poor design.

        why do we hand countries billions of dollars to protect their borders but ours remain open to illegals that murder and rape and distribute drugs that cause many deaths and ruin many lives each year?

        dont take my word for this because if you have at least two active brain cells that are not competing for third place you can find the truth among our governments own data base.

        I am part of the productive sector in America and have seen directly the harm done by this administration. I am now 80 and married for 55 years. my time is short and have nothing to gain. with a productive president, I have is the future of my grand kids and great grand kids that I would have a nation as free as the one I grew up in.

        I have owned two businesses with only a high school education. I have seen the expectations of these collage educated snowflakes that may have book knowledge but no practical experience. when applying for a job want to start at the top.

        wanting no opertunity that makes their hands dirty. so vote for biden but don’t whine when you get a nation controlling your every action. You still have time to find the truth————I, Grampa

      • They said Trump would start WW3 Not only did he not get us into a new war, he was getting us out of Afghanistan by making sure all American citizens, military&our allies got out& Afghanistan under gov control. Biden left thousands of American citizens &allies, let terrorists take control of the country handing them 80B in American military equipment &a list of our Afghanistan allies to the terrorists. Trump had peace in the Middle East after thousands of yrs. The economy prePlandemic was great I live in WA state one of the highest taxed/high cost of living states our gas was only $2 with Trump and $6 with Biden We were energy sufficient had a huge stockpile of gas&oil Biden sold it all to China. We had 1M homeless with Trump now 20M+ homeless with Biden. Our borders were safe even though everyone called Trump a racist to build a new wall. News cut&pasted his speeches he never said Mexican or any other people were racist murdering scum he said that about the Cartels&Gangs that bring in hundreds of thousands of trafficking victims, drugs, weapons ect through our border. Since Biden 15k a day people cross, bracelets litter the ground that were put on the trafficked children so everyone knows which cartel gets paid. Last yr 89k chicken who got dropped off at border were put on busses but our gov has no idea what happened to them. I’m sure the number is allot higher. You don’t need to look to hard to find the videos of babies& small children thrown over the border fence or single men with drugged up babies so bad they look like dead fish and can’t wake them. You have to have seen the record high drug overdoses and addictions from fetenal &the flesh eating diseases they have in them. 20M illegals from 3rd world countries including prisoners&mental institutions sent here so they don’t have to be there problems anymore. We are closer to WW3 than any time in history because other countries play Bidens brain dead uncut speakings for the past 3.5yrs while our country hides them. Not hard to find because they are laughing their butts off showing them. Let’s not forget Hunters laptop with the hundreds of millions of deposits& his dad gets 10% the gov having the bank statements to and from. The big diamonds Hunter got from China. The 15k a month energy job in Ukraine when he had zero experience & when Ukraine prosecutor was investigating that company Biden withheld 1B in humanitarian aid when he was VP and gloated about it many times on camera. Prices of everything is 30% higher, interest rates went from 2% to 7.5% tax hikes ECT Where the heck have you been on CNN& MSNBC?

  3. Thats all these creeps know how to do !!!!! RIG RIG RIG RIG RIG RIG!!!
    Flush um !!!!! They be deaf dumb and blind!!! Same ole same ole from
    them!!!! We don’t need jouralists like these MOE LARRY CURLEY JOE

  4. SO: Will the next debate, scheduled for September happen or NOT!

    Probably NOT! Dementia Joe will Not participate or come up with some LAME excuse NOT to participate. (like he doesn’t have enough Depends on hand)

    Dementia Joe needs to go.

    I’m voting for the Convicted Felon in November, GO TRUMP GO!

  5. KARMA, THE UNIVERSE, will take care of all these CNN liars along with our so-called anti-American traitor president obidendick. It is such a shame that our country has stooped to this level. I thought China and Russia were the only rotten dirty conniving devious countries but our justice system and political parties have not only destroyed this country but we are the laughing stock of the world.

  6. there is a video out there …every time they wanted biden to answer dana placed her arm close to her stomach and pointed her finger, meaning its your time to speak biden

  7. There’s a video from Jan 6 fake insurrection among the thousands they’ve hid. This one you could see AOC&Pelosi in a room&Biden was on the speaker. AOC is yelling&mad saying “You better do something they aren’t scared of us they are suppose to be scared of us”! Biden says “Relax little girl”. Pelosi says “They are mostly peaceful protestors don’t worry about it”. AOC says “I don’t care if they are peaceful protestors or not do something!” Next you see Pelosi get on the phone& give the shoot to kill order. (Not sure if that’s when they murdered ExMiltary Ashley Babbot shooting her in the back while she went through the little window inside following others) The final thing you see&hear in the video I saw was Pelosi saying “We will make examples of all of them so nobody ever protests in DC again. There was many things in this video that AOC& Pelosi should be fired for&tried for treason. In the most part I’m going to say their plan worked because nobody has protested in DC since or has there been any big protests since. We aren’t suppose to be scared of our gov representatives because they are suppose to work&represent us. We all have the constitutional right to protest anywhere including DC. The Gov can’t give a shoot to kill order & shoot someone with no warning in the back while she is just crawling through an indoor window in a hallway. The Gov can’t arrest Jan 6th protestors because they want to make examples of them so nobody protests in DC again


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