Dave Portnoy ERUPTS On Kamala Harris And Democrat Hypocrisy As She TANKS With Independent Voters!



We’re at a point in America where you’re either voting for Good vs Evil.

There is a reason Democracy is not listed once in our Constitution and why there is no Democrat on Mt Rushmore.


  1. You know that there is not anywhere in the U.S. constitution are the words democracy, nor does say we should live in a democracy. The constitution was written for a country that is a republic. and those two word are completely different and do not mean the same thing and if you are going jebber-jabber as most politicians do they should be made to take U.S. History-Government classes and U.S.Constitution classes until they can Pass those classes with an A++ and until they understand what all the words in the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S.Constitution say and mean and not their interpretation of those written words !!!!!!!

    • Even Communist China uses the word Democracy and all the other left of center countries use the same verbiage. What does that tell you? We are a Constitutional Republic and that is what makes us the shinning light on the hill. Why do you think everyone wants to be here? If they only knew they are being drawn to the web of deceit for a Demonrat control to get you to vote for them so they can turn our country into a shit hole like you came from, just so they have total control of your entire life and they have all the money and power and we all get the scraps. WAKE UP PEOPLE! We are on the precipice of our demise.

  2. Trump is nothing but a lying corrupt traitorous POS wannabe dictator. He should be safely stored in a padded cell somewhere secret. Even many Republicans have had enough of the orange turd. Eighteen of his own 42 cabinet members are endorsing Harris instead of that total loser.

  3. Nothing new. Trump is nothing but a lying corrupt traitorous POS wannabe dictator. He should be safely stored in a padded cell somewhere secret. Even many Republicans have had enough of the orange turd. Eighteen of his own 42 cabinet members are endorsing Harris instead of that total loser.

  4. Trump gave abortion to he states. Daa! He cares about life. Abortion is killing a fetus, or in some instances, letting the baby be born. Then kill. Sounds to me like hose people do not care. If they care so much. Put the baby up for adoption. Planned Parenthood. No. They mean kill innocent babies. Pro Life is right. Doctors pulling arms, legs and heads off, and selling body parts should be in jail. Biden/Harris, and now Walz support crime. Defund the Police, bail criminals out of jail including BLM, Antifa, and other criminals. All Harris has done is destroy our freedoms. Biden and Obama can take credit for destroying the border. Trump had 2% inflation. Biden\Harris. Over 10%. The country was safer under Trump. Lockdowns, ban fracking, guns, free speech, open borders, record inflation, record crime. Afghanistan withdrawal was, and still is, the stupidest thing. No one fired. It as a success. So leaving thousands of dollars of equipment, deserting put allies, paying the Taliban and Iran. Getting bribed by China, Ukraine, Iran is just plain ignorance. No business or military common sense. DEI, CRT, Woke, and transgenderism pushed on kids. No. Unacceptable. Math, Reading, writing, Social Studies, History, Music, Art, Wood Shop, Cooking, Metal Shop, Drafting, Mechanics. Helping people be independent. Not dependent on anyone, especially government. That is power. God over government. Life is short. Eternity is a breathe away. Pray in Jesus Name. Repent. Get Baptized. Go out and tell people. Help at least one person a day. Been doing that for 40+ years. What are the you doing to make the world better?



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