Democrat Sums Up the Stupidity of How Dems View the Election w/ One Comment



I just remember what Reagan said, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

Hey, speaking of choice, who exactly chose Kamala to be the Presidential candidate since it wasn’t the American public?


  1. Kamala’s puppet masters chose her. They will be able to control her as they controlled Obiden. The puppeteers obviously think they don’t need their voters. I hope the Dem voters are watching this farce and wake up, but I seriously doubt it. They are like lemmings who obey blindly and soak up all the BS. It’s funny that the Dems call MAGA a cult when it’s the leftist Dems that are the epitome of what a cult is – no independent thought.

  2. I’m so scared. I really am. It seems plausible to me that the people of this Democrat party will actually elect Kamala Harris to be our next President. You have to stop and ask yourself, what are her qualifications to be President of the greatest country on the face of the Earth. NONE! Just look at her accomplishments as Vice President for the past 4-years and ask yourself, is she ready to be President now? NEVER! We are so close to losing our country and it scares me to death. Please think of what you are about to do people and for the love of God, please don’t vote for someone totally unqualified to be President of this great USA because the leftist, corrupt, lying, liberal media has convinced you to hate on Donald Trump.

    • Well said, and that’s exactly what I’m trying to get across to people who think they’re going to vote Democratic. Democrats you have lost your party. There is NO Democrat Party anymore because it’s been hijacked by radical incompetent Socialists/Marxists. RFK,Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and many more old Democrats have moved over to the Trump camp. If you vote for the Radicals and they win, our country, the United States of America will be lost to us forever. If we don’t get Trump back into the WH, no one else can ever do what we know he can do. He has the proven record. What does Kamala have? NOT A GOD-DAMN THING! She’s unfit, unqualified, incompetent and a liar. Don’t fall for it because she hates this country and can’t wait to have power over all of us. It’s not going to be a pretty country to live in with this disaster at the helm. DO NOT VOTE FOR THE LAUGHING HYENA KAMALA. She can’t wait to stick a knife in the backs of the American Citizens and take control of the United States of America. Remember, there is NO DEMOCRAT PARTY. It’s Trump and us vs. RADICAL/MARXISTS. You’ll be voting for Communism if you vote for Radical Kamala (Laughing, Incompetent Hyena) Harris and her VP pick Tim Walz. He’s even more radical than she is.

  3. His brain is Bidens. Policies are everything, not the person. Have any man read Trumps policies and any woman reading what Harris calls policies and see which is better.

    • OMG – are you stupid or what? What the hell are her policies because she hasn’t said one thing about anything. You better get with it Joe because you’re not listening. She hasn’t said anything that is clear and talks word salad. She’s incompetent, can’t you see that? You must think you’re better off now than when President Trump was in office. Are you? Because a lot of us are not, we’re struggling to pay bills, buy food, buy gas, pay medical bills, etc. just about everything has gone sky high thanks to Biden and Harris. Do you damn homework fella, or we’re going to be put in bread lines and we’ll have you to thank.

      • Trump has no policies. Just blabbers bullshit like he did in his first term You really think Americans wouldn’t have voted him back in if he knew what he was doing? Just a total loser and waste of hot air.

  4. Wake up Christians. I’m sure God supports a POS who has had 3 wives, cheats on every one of them, bangs porn stars, is a felon convicted of sexual assault, and tells his sheep he is a good Christian. Such good moral character! Oh wait, God did make sure the orange turd got flushed after one term. Praise the Lord!

  5. Ok, No More Trump. You copied what I said, but I’m glad you agree. At least Americans were smart enough to dump Trump after his failed attempt to play POTUS. What an embarrassment to America he is! A total POS.

  6. Back to embarrassments: Face facts. Trump was such a total fuck-up as president that you have to be braindead to want that moron back in office. At least the majority of Americans were intelligent enough to flush the orange turd after one disastrous term too many. Thank you, and thank god! Imagine having a loser like Trump for president whose only experience is in filing bankruptcy 6 times with 20 failed businesses. Looks like TRUMP MEDIA is almost broke now. That’s number 21.

      • You can see the MAGAts here have no rebuttal except for insults. They are as clueless as the orange turd, but we know how much Trump loves stupid people! Face facts. Trump was incompetent as president, and voters told him to take a hike asap. He sure seems more lost and senile now then he was back then.

  7. 2nd Assassination attempt today.


    I’m persuaded that there is nothing wrong with a communist that a concrete block, a dozen feet of razor wire and the Challenger Deep can’t fix in a jiffy…

  8. There eventually be no democrat party, Harris, the real one, has been excited at Gitmo. It’s all a show people, where have you all been? President Trump mentioned “casting” many times. These people are actors playing parts of these lame demorats. People, do some “REAL” resource and you will find knowledgeable information. Biden is not President, never has been, never will be. Even the VA Hospitals and Clinics don’t know that! Biden was excited in 2018, Gitmo, Cuba! Shot in the damn head! President Trump is still sitting President and Commander-in-Chief! Come on, people, wake the hell up! Don’t be “WOKE” people, you all will be left behind.

  9. What do you do when a president fails to do a good job? You dump him. Voters did in 2020, and the Dems did in 2024. Time to try someone new instead of expecting failures to change. Both were just terrible choices. Harris gets her chance like Trump did.

  10. You are what’s wrong with our country. You are a radical Democrat and I feel sorry for you bringing political hatred into your life. A president is elected for four years or eight years if reelected. It’s not forever. Democrats on the other hand want their way or no way. It’s called control and if you want a socialist Marxist government then you go ahead and vote for Harris. You won’t be able to blame Trump for when there is a Depression because we are headed that way.

  11. I simply cannot stand looking at a “bucket of teeth” if Kamulla is elected for four years. e gad…she has no idea of anything and has faked her way since Willie Brown…where did she go to college? school? bor where? other family alive? anything…hmm just like her invisible policies… oh God, help us…


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