Democrats SHOCKED!! Jon Stewart TURNS on Biden: ‘I’m DONE!



So Am I supposed to believe that Stewart and the cronies at CNN thought Joe was just fine before the debate?

I’m not tired of this recent turn of the Circus. He’s been like this for 4 years. Media only against Biden cause he’ll lose


  1. Biden is not running the show. Obama is and this is his third term as president. The constitution only allows the president 2 terms. So now, who is destroying democracy.

    • It’s been apparent from ”Day One”, with all of Trump’s policies shreddeded by Biden’s E.O.’S.. The Liberal Lunacy runs deep in this Administration. Most are ”Obama’s’ Left-overs”!!

  2. America wake up. Don’t care Democrat or Republican you have to see what a danger this man is to America. Inflation, illegals murdering and raping our citizens, gas prices, foreign policies. Ukraine taking total advantage of him robbing tax payers money while Ukraine first lady goes out and spend 5 million dollars on a car. It is BS. Stop the insanity. Biden has serious cognitive problems. Wake up America it is right before your eyes.

  3. Its amazing to me that loyalty to the political party over rises actuallity.Like lemmings ,direction comes first.The lead lemming make a left so do all the lemming then follow ,think that’s what their supposed to do..both men have qualities that can definitely help our country!Trump with his no nonsense actions impresses the voters yet I’m absolutely sure that the experience Biden has is more worthy of protecting our great nation !one thing that really pisses me of if how stupid people with big mouths disrespect the President of our great country.I get the basis for their actions ,how ever Americans making fun of the President of our great nation pisses me off! We look like a bunch of little kids berating polio victims.making fun of our President in public …..makes Americans look bad as a bullying a kid who wears glasses!Semper Fi!

  4. Its amazing to me that loyalty to the political party over rises actuallity.Like lemmings ,direction comes first.The lead lemming make a left so do all the lemming then follow ,think that’s what their supposed to do..both men have qualities that can definitely help our country!Trump with his no nonsense actions impresses the voters yet I’m absolutely sure that the experience Biden has is more worthy of protecting our great nation !one thing that really pisses me of if how stupid people with big mouths disrespect the President of our great country.I get the basis for their actions ,how ever Americans making fun of the President of our great nation pisses me off! We look like a bunch of little kids berating polio victims.making fun of our President in public …..makes Americans look bad as a bullying a kid who wears glasses!Semper Fi!


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