Did you guys catch what she said here? Holy CRAP.



8 years of Democrat lies about Trump says it all! This is why I am voting for Trump in 2024!

Trump’s been living rent free in their heads since 2015


  1. Corruption and Lies and Violence is a way of life for Democrats this is just another of many Lies they spread to get votes so people have to educate themselves about the Lies.

  2. Anyone listening to this crap should have there ears sealed shut. The last that was broadcast out of the Middle East was that the Isralli PM had agreed to the current frame work cited but it was HAMAS that was turning things down. Maybe if Biden would get off VACATION at the Beach and Harris, we’ll Harris needs to bite begging for Money and maybe do the job she currently holds.

  3. Them that cry the loudest are the real problem. Their to busy crying about others and don’t do their own jobs. Them that do their jobs don’t have time or the energy to cry about others, their to busy making their way in life. So now you know who’s doing the real work and them that are taking a paycheck for doing nothing but crying about others. So … do you vote for a worker or a crying baby doing nothing for you. Your choice, choose wisely. But be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Ask ny and the other blue states bout that one lol.

  4. Michelle Obama made a fortune playing the victim so with the millions given from Netflix and book deals , the Obama’s should only take what they need to survive on and pay taxes on their obscene earnings to help the poor and middle class citizens who do not have the luxury of whining and claiming how hard their lives have been while owning mansions !!

    • I stopped donating to Netflix when I found out the Obamas were being given money by Netflix! They are nothing but Marxist parasites!


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