Emails REVEAL Biden SENT PALLETS Of Classified Docs To Mar-A-Lago Before FBI Raid on Trump | SETUP



The President is LEGALLY ALLOWED to have these documents. This is a moot point.

Who else can’t wait to Vote Trump ?


  1. Plain and simple, Presidents can take papers from the WH BUT not a senator who lets a ghost writer use secret papers to write a book for cash. TRAITOR. Arrest every president before Trump because they all took papers and while you’re at it arrest Hillary for destroying cell phone and shredding papers.

  2. Because the Biden administration is full of Socialists, Communists, Marxist, Globalists, and hate the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and anything that they cannot control. The One World Order and Climate confusion, and the illegal immigration policies, are ways to destroy our way of life. This was talked about way back in 1970’s when I was in school. Bureaucrats, Politicians, Special Interest groups, Soros, Bill Gates, are all paying people and groups to cause chaos. BLM, Antifa, and other hate groups have members in schools and colleges for some time. Even some of the instructors, School Boards and Teacher’s Unions have went Woke, CRT, or DEI, which actually means- Destroy, Everything Intentionally. Subscribe to IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters. Get them free each month. They can send more for a small fee. Pass out at schools, colleges, people on the street, businesses, or put on car door handles at stores, malls, etc. Also, watch The First News and NewsMax that explain in detail with facts shown. Mainstream Media is bought out by the Democrat Party and these elites. They could careless about American Freedoms. That’s why they spend taxpayers money with no guilt and lie about everything. Some are Republicans. Research people before voting for them. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Garland, Walters are all lifetime politicians that never worked real jobs. Just get a paycheck for supporting the Democrat Party and the far left agenda. It’s pretty sad. I pass out Bible tracts and put on car door handles as well. This is the devil’s work. Pray in Jesus Name. Talks about this in the Bible. Way back in school people would talk about the end days. Guessed about it. But the Bible says, “Jesus will return like a thief in the night. The believers will be with God. The non- believers and evil will be in hell for eternity separated from God.” That is why believers tell others about God. Some reject. Not knowing their last breathe is near. God says, Fear not, I am in control.” Governments will fall. Can kill the body. Cannot kill the soul. God Bless everyone. And I pray all will repent and be Baptized, and then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding. Faith over Fear. Do not let the devil take your salvation.

  3. Thank you….we need more people like you …willing to speak the truth….the Bible tells us what we need to know and what we need to do…to be with GOD for eternity in his glorious kingdom…

  4. Donna, you are right as rein. God has created all of us and will take care of us as time passes. The government is totally evil from top to bottom. Anyone who doesn’t believe that is saddly not in tune. Look what Biden and company sent out to Mar Alogo prior to the mock raid for documents that were supposedly improperly shipped, they were!!!

    • Whose head is up whose ass?
      It’s only a question of whose lies you are going to believe.
      Their lies or Our lies.

  5. History repeats itself . Unless Roman & Hellenic History are proven to falsehoods , It might be interesting to observe certain similarities . Brutus and his henchmen / Roman politicians used their swords to assassinate the noble Caesar . Indeed it is a fact that two millennia or so ago such action ( might ) have taken place. The exalted Senator of the then Roman Forum : Marc Anthony a true Sooth Sayer & Orator made certain that the populace of the then ROME – Mundi conqueror of the then known historic world would come to bear of the tragic assassination of the noble Caesar : TWO MILLENIA or so ago – HOW MUCH HAS IT REALLY CHANGED ???? Today we drive in automobiles and not in Chariots. None the less our so called politicians will undoubtedly do as much if not more to morally assassinate their opponents . Such is the clamorous and hyenic venture begotten this once ( U N I T E D ) States of America . Would it be so drastic if indeed a few might (like our native Americans “so called Indians” sit down and have a POW-WOW ??? As Brutus of the then Roman Senate stated “: Oh judgement thou art fled to Brutish Beasts and I must pause till it return to me . —- I humbly ask to be considered a peacemaker , but then again a thought recurs in mind that Peacemakers as is written has entry to the kingdom of heaven – just maybe in this case the bellows and precipitations towards the kingdom of HAYDES . Republican or Democrat P L E A S E – allow this wonderful part of the world to return to its just glory.

  6. is not fact checking. One of first thing Biden did when he “TOOK” office was attack freedom of speech by putting a gag order on the border. Google Biden puts gag order on border, then ask No mention.


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