Hecklers Disrupt Kamala Harris on ‘Jimmy Kimmel’ Then It Got Ugly



I’m glad Rubin called out Kimmel on contributing to the sh*tshow American culture has become.

America, you are only as strong as your weakest link. Take a good look at your current President and VP


  1. Maybe if Timmy boy had honest people who where real Americans this would not happen. Americans know just what Harris and Biden are. Liars, thieves, anti Americans.

  2. I’m 78 and never ever dreamt that in my lifetime I would ever hear the word “whore” used to describe Americas 1st female VP; and it was spoken by FEMALE Citizens!

  3. The only reason Kameltoe Harris is VP, she’s female, black or brown Asian, she was picked by Obama to be Biden’s VP and out of the group of black women that were considered she ranked first because she would go along with the program that Obama created for this hodgepodge administration we have right now. Does Harris have what it takes to be VP? Hell no! Doesn’t have what it takes to be president either but Obama is the one running the show and he can handle Harris just like he is handling Biden. Got to clean out this garbage come November, they have turned our country into a joke.

  4. What a bunch of BS, 34 times guilty, more to come for your sleaze bag and pathetic excuse for a human being. The scumturd is only in it for himself. He didnt give a crap in 2016 and probably gives less now. Would love to see him dancing with the boys at Riikers Island.

    • Hey Walkman: He is the only president to lose money while in office. Your lame brain they have found out ( congressional over-sight) is about $20,000,000 richer with help from Ukraine and China. China has Biden in their back pocket, while the FBI is black-mailing him. Now you know why Biden didn’t allow the military to shoot down the spy balloon until it completed it’s mission and was over the Atlantic!

    • Walkman. You just showed hot STUPID you are. And you most likely look like a SCUMTURD. Probably looking in a mirror now. Keep up the DUMBASS remarks. Can’t wait to respond. Should go by WALKWOMAN.

  5. The screamer should be arrested. The extreme right wingers are an embarrassment to Americans. This is as almost bad as the anarchists that marched in the streets and looted and burned, but not as bad as the ones who at Xpotus’ instructions, violently and destructively attacked our Capitol.

      • Unfortunately, not the “most”. They are plenty more just like him. They are brainwashed, brought to you by the public school system.

    • It has been definitively proven and debunked that Trump instructed anyone to violently attack our Capital. In point of fact, he advised them to protest peacefully. When Trump offered the National Guard to Pelosi she emphatically declined. Get your info right.

    • You’re a nut job! If orangehead wins, America is doomed, a thief, a Hitler and Putin lover, don’t forget about China and Korea, he kisses their asses, you have no idea what a cult leader is, ooops, you’re one, that’s why you’re so stupid!

  6. You dumb cult members, you’re the same as orange head, thieves, crooks, you too are against the disabled, you too make fun of gold star families, I’m sure you rooted when they attacked the capital, some of you were probably part of it! You don’t know what it means to be true to your country, stop screwing around, you’re the most brainwashed idiots around! Keep drinking his koolade! Learn from him well, did you graduate from his thieving university? Ooops, I forgot, he failed at that and never returned the monies to the schmucks that enrolled!

  7. What a bunch of manipulated puppets. You obviously are ignorant of history, even going back 9 yrs, let alone 50 when all of this started – the transformation of this country from a Republic(ruled by representatives of the people)to a Centralized one ruled by the wealthiest that believe, honestly believe, that the people are to stupid to pick who rules them so they MUST intervene for the good of the people AND at all cost – this justifies anything they do to ANYONE who stands in their way – like Trump. He did not tell anyone to attack the Capitol, that was all set up by Pelosi and the others-FBI infiltrators all over inciting the people that did show up looking for trouble but that was not Ashly Babbit-REMEMBER HER-the only person murdered that day, an unarmed veteran-it all came out in the shame hearings-why the hell do you think the tapes AND transcripts were destroyed – thats evidence people that they blatantly destroyed, WHY?-what were they so desperate to hide? THE TRUTH-they’re highly allergic! Trump never made fun of Gold Star families, that’s BS and don’t tell me I don’t know how to be true to this country you fool, my family has served this country for every generation going back a hundred years including my son – the traitorous, thieving garbage that occupies the WH is the puppet of Obama, a true racist, whos only goal is that of Gates, Soros & Zuckerberg, Power & Control, control the masses thru race war, fear, control of information & sedation(notice all the drugs that are becoming legal & readily available thru the mail, people, its not because they feel its your right as an adult its because of the $$$ and people that are subdued are easy to control.

    • Well said! But I can tell you now that all those facts are going to hurt their brain. Facts to liberals is like sunlight to vampires!

        • Leftist Socialist Communists whose sole goal is One World Order. Anyone not on board will likely die or be imprisoned when their ultimate goal has been reached unless we fight back at the ballot box. It does no good to try and “reach” the unenlightened WOKE. They have been brainwashed/programmed long ago. Trump is America’s savior.

  8. Kamala, how pathetic. Is the best “black womanhood” can offer.

    The only VP who f*cked her way into office.

    Willie Brown, where are you now?

  9. Can’t say what I want to or I will be censored! But what I can say is Trump 2024 or the liberal leftists will get their wish “death to America “.

  10. I can not understand how so many people in the USA are so corrupt , and foolish that will follow a DEMENTED and CORRUPT person like Trump. Americans have reached the lowest point of DECENCY . He does not give a DAMN about any of these people. He has said it and laughs at their Dumb asses


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