American People do support the HELLS ANGELS in protecting Americans!!!! AMERICA FIRST!!!!!! Americans coming together! United We Stand!


  1. I support any gang, vigilanties that go after them and other criminals that are let out into the streets by the leftist liberals and wacky/wokos with their ‘soft of crime’ policies. K. Harris was one of the liberal women that ruined San Francisco. Dont know if she is one of Soros paid prosecuters are not; but she was in on it. Hope she isn’t elected, but if she is, I hope she doesn’t do stupid Biden things that has help ruin this country and promotes socialism like most liberals want and know absolultly nothing about it. Can’t believe our so-called govt. isn’t doing anything about the gangs and crime. Guess we the people have to do their job. This is my opinion and freedom of speech.

        • I’d say on this one the Hell’s Angels have the guilty ones. Since our own government let this shit into our country and refuses to do anything to stop this senseless abuse of our citizens I support the Hell’s Angels doing that job. Maybe this will also send a message to those jackass’s in D.C. that the people of this country are NOT going to take this shit anymore.

    • SHE is a MARXIST . She is being groomed by Soros, and the big tech clowns like Zuckerberg and Gates.
      If you wonder why English classes no longer use “Ayn Rand” and “George Orwell” written books, these two authors reveal scenes from behind the curtain of how “THEY” work to dissolve individual rights and use people to “imprison” themselves.
      Read “1984” , “Animal Farm” , “The Fountainhead” , “Atlas Shrugged”.

      • I read all of those books when I was an undergraduate majoring in science at UC Berkeley in the 1950’s. While none of my classes required us to read those books, I was curious due to all the other students carrying them around campus. The books scared me, but I thought “That will never happen in America; we are protected by the Constitution!” Well now I see it happening right before my eyes. I’m not sure how it all came about, and don’t know what we should have done to stop it. I was too involved in my scientific career all those subsequent years.

      • George Orwell, while opposed to Stalinist totalitarianism, was a democratic socialist and an opponent of fascism.
        Read his Homage to Catalonia.

  2. I personally think the Hells Angels the Mongols and many other Motor Cycle Gangs have a great opportunity to be part of MAGA. These large Motor Cycle Gangs can now project themselves as great American Patriots. It would be nice for these Patriots to go after not just the Venezuelan Gangs, but also going after all of the Gangs thanks to the open boarders by the current Administration. The Gangs should also go after all of the Drug Cartels, Female Traffickers, & much more. These Gangs can help clean up our Countries Destruction.

  3. News you do not know: Kamala was born in Bangladesh, not America. Harris’s real name is Kamal Aroush not Kamala Harris. Notice Harris never had a baby and rarely ever wears a skirt or a dress? Ever notice the earrings Kamala wears? They are always the same, glued on that body face mask that shows the mask line on the neck. Because Kamal was born male. Harris’s lies started when he took his first breath. Guess what I hope for. Harris isn’t human, to me. Also, the real Kamala was already executed years ago. That thing is being played by actors. I know who the male actor is, although he is actually a famous singer that we all think is dead. I am trying to get in touch with Commander Crandall of Guantanamo to ask for him to have Kamala taken into custody and taken to Gitmo to be interrogated about all of those lies.

      • Well, I think you are crazy nuts. I have a right to my opinion. So do you. But do not call someone names if you don’t know who they really are. You could end up in some kind of trouble. You all will find out the truth of who Kamala really is. Re-read what I wrote above, It IS THE TRUTH in God’s name!

      • Yes, there is no doubt their tiny brains have been programmed to believe anything. Nobody intelligent would support the orange turd for president. Especially after he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. Most countries have the death penalty for treason, but Trump tricked them into sending them money to pay his bills, or even get jail terms. What a LOSER!

        • I believe YOU, Juan are the turd. No one in their right mind would vote for Kamala, she was recorded in the tunnels with the terrorized children. Are YOU part of that scene? You probably are or you would NOT have been so cruel with your stupid statements! She hit a mother and child who were walking years ago. The little girl is paralyzed for life because of her. The police were told she was a VIP and did not arrest her. She did other terrible things as prosecutor that is now coming out to the public. Do you want someone like her for a leader? Do the damned research or stay an uninformed Normie hater!

          • I see why Trump needs you. Only total idiots would believe all his lies, or your crazy rants. You two fit perfectly. Maybe you can share a padded cell?

  4. How are Kamala and that Ocacio Cortez in our GOVERNMENT, they were born in other countries . They are not Americans. They lie and raise hell against our citizens , they take from our citizens and live like Royalty.Kamala, Clinton’s, Bidens , &Obama’s have done everything to undermine our country & set themselves up for wealth. Wake up ! Get them out ! They are Traitors !

    • Ocasio was born in Puerto Rico. That is an American territory. You are right about Kamala. But AOC is as stupid as she wants us to see.

    • Oh JZ, You are so full of shit. Politicians don’t need to be born in the USA, just elected. So you really want to lock up Ted Cruz, Mark Meadows, Dan Crenshaw, and how many other Republicans?

  5. If one wants to get the job done, add in the Scorpions from Texas! Then the Venezuelan gangs will be totally eliminated! Remember all this chaos is caused by the DCAP (demoncrap/communist/atheist party)! The demise of this once great nation lies totally with the DCAP! The party of hate, antisemitism, and Anti American

  6. Taking the tarp off my 1986 Harly Sportster and joining my brother bikers. FU*K the illegals and their BULL*HIT throat phlegm. GOD bless America forever. (ouch) !!!!!

    • Well, now. Were you there? Is that the real truth or are you making it up and believe otherwise. There was a 38-minute video out just today from one of the Hell’s Angels that told their story of going there to put things right. Did you see it? Did you research anything? Man, these people that mouth off without proof are something else!

  7. Maybe first try to confirm this lie? This site has no interest in the truth. They just want suckers to click on their ads. Trump loves stupid people. Who else would support him?

  8. “Former President Donald Trump’s smiles and winks during the Sept. 11 memorial in New York City Wednesday and outraged attendees and onlookers who blasted the Republican presidential nominee for a demeanor they dubbed disrespectful.” .(Give him a break. The old buffoon has dementia_

  9. True facts: It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike,
    higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?


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