HOLY CRAP! Kamala gets caught FAKING audience during event!! lol



Harris can talk incessantly for hours and say absolutely nothing.

TRUMP 2024 baby!!! Who’s with me!?


  1. I saw all that trash in the upper deck. Now I know the story. I thought the photos of those girls were the ones raped by illegals this past weekend. We probably had more than that? Think of the ones “not reported”. And Kamala still has 325,000 illegal children unaccountable for!

  2. These people have got to be the most evil and incompetent. The fact the Media covers this up, is evil. Liars on everything. Border is secure, inflation is going down, transitory, masks and vaccines will bring down the virus. Things will get better. Joe knew nothing and was not involved in Hunter’s business. Lie. Dr. Fauci, “Afghanistan withdrawal was a success.”

    • blame not the evil one for their deeds, rather, the cowards, that will do NOTHING to stop them. “we suffer for lack of knowledge”. YOU should never eat, that which you cannot prove. Lincoln freed no one, rather enslaved ALL to the Den of Corruption. Then there was an insurrection on Nov. 22 1963, that made us an evil oligarchy “those with the gold (corps.) make the rules. WE need to RESTORE the republic, that Lincoln destroyed. Death to tyrants !

      • That Lincoln destroyed? What in the hell are you talking about? And there was no insurrection on 11-22-1963. JFK was shot and there’s no doubt the bumbling Lee Harvey Oswald did NOT act alone. The question is, was it a mafia hit, or a CIA hit, or a KGB hit? In order to restore the republic the blue states and cities must be overthrown. Since most of the food, energy, and military power are in the red states, all we have to do is shut of the electricity and food supply. The dummycrats won’t last a week.

    • The border is secure? Are you serious? Look what is going on in Springfield, Ohio, there is so many migrants attacking all the residents there, intruding their homes, robbing, rapes, drugs, and it is secure? Are you outta your freaking mind? I don’t believe what you say trying to keep cover up for Kamala, it will never faze me at all and I will not be persuaded by your crappy lies. She is only started to do something about the border now when she should have started from the day she became the VP. She is desperate to get the votes from people after so many years of fooling the American people. We are not stupid as Kamala thinks, we’re not loonies like her.

  3. Once again, proof that this woman cannot be truthful and honest about anything. One thing we know that is the “truth” about her and Walz, they are both supporters of Socialist Communist governments…they want to control every aspect of our lives, keep us poor and sick while they live “high on the hog.”

  4. Kamala is a complete farce- Hollywood marketing, and lots of smoke and mirrors !!! If she becomes President, She will have a puppet presidency; more years of Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer running “the show”. God help Us!!!

    • “the clown show”. My GOD give us the desire to live free from abuse, from those we are FORCED to pay for. “come OUT from among them, be ye separate”. “touch NOT the unclean thing”.

    • Yeap, you’re absolutely right. I was thinking the same things about Obama running the show and doing all of her presidential duties for her BEHIND THE CURTAIN, as he have been doing it for Biden. This is nothing but were the ultimate betrayal to American people.

  5. Kamala abused her power when she was in the Prosecutorial position and she constantly picked on the black ancestry by putting them in jail for marijuana charges and also putting this couple of black males to death penalty when she was advised to examine the DNA to prove if these men were really deserve the sentence to die, but she denied the suggestion and gave them the green light to execute them anyway because she was too lazy and didn’t want to bother with the research. Kamala also put this lady in prison for her Daughter’s absence of school class because her daughter was suffering from the Sickle Cell Anemia and she had the worse one, often she would have to be in the hospital, but Kamala had sent 2 Sheriff Officer to arrest her from her home without even finding out of their circumstances, because her daughter was in the hospital and missed the school class. When her Daughter found out that she had no mother and this ultimately caused her to have a stroke where her half body is numb the rest of her life. Kamala didn’t even show any empathy, compassion, or no sorts of mercy on them. Kamala is 100% responsible for this lady and her daughter’s condition caused by the carelessness of Kamala and her racial discrimination against them and to those black men to jail and extend their jail stay to use them for the labor. Can you imagine that if she is elected, she will be worse than now and will abuse her power as if it is nothing.

  6. Yes, Trump has really turned the GOP into a clown show! Not just him and weirdo Vance, but look at jokes like Jordan, Gaetz, Boebert, Santos, Stone, pillow man Mike, Rudy, Robinson, Johnson, Marjorie Trailer Queen, etc. An embarrassment to America. Even flushing the orange turd in 2020 hasn’t improved the quality of Republican candidates since then. An embarrassment to America.

  7. Obviously you do no research. The Mainstream Media(ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, The View, New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald. There are more, but you get it. I think. All have covered for the Democrat Party. Russia collusion narrative that helped Trump win the 2016 Election paid for by H. Clinton. That was false. She did hire people. Hunter’s laptop was called Russian disinformation. Proven true. FBI, Mainstream, and Democrats, all said was a Russian disinformation. January 6 was not insurrection. In fact, Trump requested N.G. well before January 6. Pelosi said no. Pelosi then asks for troops after January 6. Regular liars. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, The Squad, Walters, The View, some of Hollywood, Garland, Wray, Judge Merchan, Alvin Brag, Fani Willis, Leticia James. This is unacceptable. Add in Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Blinken. All want the Socialist, Marxist, Communists. Harris’ father is a Marxist. Add in WHO, CDC, WEF, Dr. Fauci. The corruption is deep. And yet Trump, is accused of the threat. Trump secured the border, got vaccine approved in record time, lowest inflation, crime was not like this, Iran, North Korea, Russia, China, and others all held in check. Energy independent. Biden depletes are fuel reserves. Starts wars, record inflation, record crime, record illegal immigrants(lots are criminals, even terrorists), BLM, Antifa, and other crime organizations. Children and women being raped, sex trafficked, forced labor. This is nuts. They are nuts, and plain evil. The only news trustworthy are The First News and NewsMax. I recommend Jesse Kelly and Bill O’Reilly on The First News, and Greg Kelly, Rob Schmitt, Sebastian Gorka, and Greta Van Susteren on NewsMax. Keep DEI, CRT, Woke out of things. They divide. Keep God, not government. Pray in Jesus Name. By gosh! Stop abusing the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Pledge of Allegiance.

  8. I agree with Sherry. She said the senile buffoon was a joke, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.

  9. Trump says he can end the war in Ukraine. He was unclear on how, exactly, he would accomplish that goal…maybe “concepts of a plan” will do the trick. LOL!!


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