Is This a Joke? Kamala May NOT Be Democrat Nominee! – Another Shoe To Drop?



Democrats: “We have to circumvent democracy to save democracy from Donald Trump”

Has anyone told Joe Biden he isn’t running for president any longer?


  1. The democrats don’t care about the republic or what they call democracy. They care about stealing taxpayer money and forcing people to do what they want… period! And the government work force is behind them 90%.

      • She right if you quit watching the fake news and read up on socialism before you vote liberal. Its big govt. with their elite controlling you.

      • You must be an extreme leftist who knows nothing about socialism. This website allows you to say fowl and dirty language has to be liberals and their dirty pool. I make clean comments that are factual and full of commonsense and my experience in my involvement in poliitics and they block it. Talkk about control, bias, racist, slander, etc.

      • THAT is so crass of you, Alan…..Madcow knows that is what Kambala did for her benefactor, Brownie. OH! and the other’s!

  2. Yep, they’re definitely testing the waters with “kammie”… there are MANY who think she’s the focus, but only for the moment. When the Convention gets here, the real leader of the party — Barack Obama, shall emerge and kick kammie off the ticket entirely, and present the real nominee … one MICHELLE OBAMA … !!

    • Another loser, a housewife and didn’t do anything for him; unlike Nancy Reagan who was very supportive of her husband and backed him up. No involvement with politics so she probably didn’t listen and learn from his speeches. She, like Harris would be a disaster for this country.

  3. Anyone would be better than a psycho old man with a fake tan who always acts like a victim. Tire of his crying and blaming the world for his crooked ways 🙄. He should just retire and spend his days playing golf unless he ends up locked up in jail

  4. The entire Democratic Party is a damn joke!!! They have spent the last 8+ years lying there a**es off trying to get rid of President Trump, and were just as successful at that as they as they have been at running the country (unless you add “into the ground”). The whole Democratic Party needs to follow Jurassic Joe’s example and step down!


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