Judge Allows Trump To Sue ABC For Claiming He Is A GRapist.



They run accusations as straight facts.

If a judge is going to go against what a jury says, why is the jury even there?


    • absolutely hold them all accountable !! there should be no freedom of the press to spew the lies and not the facts and be so biased for the democrats…remember they are the threat to democracy …and put the n in there with it they are exposed as the demoncrats !

    • All the channels mentioned CNN MSNBC etc and alll their anchors Joy puke face Reid all have diarrhea of the mouths and should be sent Harris Walz ass illegal migrants to their homes!

      • Harris/Walz ass and stephnopolass liars are ALL 4 F’s on the ABC TV AND lying media networks (NBC CBS CNN MSNBC etc idiots…

    • your so right !!! completely corrupt.. stephenopolis is such a traitor to the american people and he completely owes Mace a huge apology and maybe she should be suing him too for his biased lying pushy interviewd and tried to embarrass her for her past too….

      its funny how he can accuse trump after he covers for “mr. bill” dickhead clinton

  1. Press is out of control when it comes to President Trump. The swamp works with the paid off media to attack him and his supporters on an unprecedented scale.
    I pray after these elections the Swamp and press are cleared of TDS.

  2. Stephanopolus is a hake, a bought and paid for liar. He wouldn’t know truth or journalism if it sat in his lap and slapped him in the face!

    • Trump needs to sue the hell out of The View also, including individual lawsuits against each of the hosts that slandered and lied about him.

  3. These Democratic elites need to be Arrested, charged for treason, have all there savings, (which is the American tax payer) and sent to Prison for life, This would stop future criminally from politicians. And take all lying media journalists and put them under the prison. The msm are terrorist They instill fear on the Public.

    • yup…. your so right and then we can stop all the fraud in voting… now why can’t they make it so hard to cheat in voting as it is to log onto a government sight?

  4. What moronic nonsense. You folks should focus on his criminal conviction and the three additional indictments he has yet to face. Furthermore, his tratorious remarks against all who served were fools is sickening. The dimwit stands in front of his palace grifting breakfast cereals while complaining about the cost of groceries while his kitchen staff prepares sumptious meals. Oh, lets not forget the thirty some odd sexual abuse charges he is still yet to face. Good grief, he disgraced the office of the president of the United States, and this time around he wants to disassemble the entire government. He will no doubt face a cathostropic defeat. On with the jail sentenses.

    • haha.. your so deranged…obviously you believe the lies… if he hadn’t run for president there will be no charges…. wake up and pull your head out of your adam shift ass !! you are the reason why this country is put down and going down… you ignore the truth..and you believe the lies of the left ..run by demoncrats are crazy… they lie everytime at election time… tell us…who voted for skamala harris? nobody..she was the last person in the debates and dropped out … the lowest rating… you call that democracy… ? picked by the party not the people… Donald trump will win in landslide this year.. you can count on that bozo!

    • If only you feared the Marxist candidate as much as you do Trump. I totally agree that Trump is a flawed candidate, but the dangers posed to Americans by the evil of the left dwarfs any threat posed by a second Trump presidency. I actually support RFK Jr, and feel that he is vastly superior to either of the mainstream candidates, but the hive-minded masses refuse to consider anyone not endorsed by our corrupt two party system, and the media has done everything possible to silence him. RFK Jr is the only real “adult in the room”, with an actual plan of action (imagine that) but apparently, that’s not important to most folks. Perhaps people do get the kind of government they deserve.

  5. Trump should go to jail just like anyone else. He a felon no matter who the fuck you are. If he was a black or minority he would be there now with general population. Then think who will be there for you.
    When the person who shot Trump either was a bad shot or was staged.
    He has the upper class vote because they want him because
    they can stay rich.
    If you have a problem with
    immigrants what about your wives? He is a bigot
    and how dare him tell women what to do with their Reproductive systems.
    Women have rights.
    Down with Trump and Vance. They are two of a kind.

    • yea right… yur so right bozo… you think we the majority of americans are all wrong? just like the russian hoax against trump…. wrong… just like the two impeachements… wrong… it never happened because he was not guilty.. and completely innocent …. wake up bozo…. stop listening to the fake news…. and you might become smart…. until then

      keep your lieing comments to yourself !!

    • How ironic that you claim that Trump has the upper class vote, when the vast majority of his supporters are middle and lower-middle class working folks. Indeed, the party of the elites is now, and has been for some years, the democratic party. The vast majority of big money is being donated to them, and everyone from Hollywood to big tech leans left these days. Only a complete fool would equate a desire to stop our dangerous illegal immigration policies with bigotry. You’re the perfect mouthpiece for the left. Did they guarantee you a position in their new communist takeover? It’s very telling that you offer copious criticism of Trump, yet offer nothing to support Hairass. TDS can only go so far. At some point, you need to offer something to support your side (and no, abortion is not an issue that affects all Americans), so you’d better start working on your talking points.

    • What a dipsh*t! You must have had a gallon of Kool-Aid. You believe what you hear on MSM and the crooked politicians on the left. You must have graduated from brainwashing socialist schools and it cleansed you of common sense. The charges against Trump are bogus as will be proven once it is appealed. It has to go through the process first. None of the charges were brought until he announced his candidacy. After Trump wins his appeals, it will be time to bring charges on the corrupt DEMOCRAT DA’s and judges. They’ll be disbarred which should have happened long before Trump. Their blatant corruption did not start until Trump even though it did exist. The “upper class” that you are referring to are the elites, which are the Democrats. They’re making it rich off of the working class people. There is a huge difference between legal immigrants and illegal aliens. If you think the illegals have a right to be here without going through the legal channels that immigrants have gone through, then you and your cohorts can take them into your homes. It’s so hard to be even civil to ignorant people. If you think America is so great right now under the Biden/Harris regime, you were asleep when America was prospering and other countries respected us. We are currently heading towards socialism and, if that’s what you want, go live in Venezuela. The Harris/Walz will be even worse than life in America is right now. Hopefully, it won’t be “mark my words” because it will be too late. Go Trump/Vance 2024!!!

      • Oh, an addendum to my previous statement: You talk about womens’ rights. If you’re so careless and get pregnant when there are so many ways to have safe sex and avoid getting pregnant to begin with (including sterilization), then you’ve taken your own rights away. You are now responsible for another life that you created. Murder is not an option. There is also adoption. Anyone who would consider murdering an unborn baby would be better off giving it up for adoption because you’d probably be a lousy parent anyway. Pro-abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood claim to be for women’s health and safety – BS!! They are for late term and up to the point of birth abortions. Why would an entity wait until they’re ready to give birth to terminate the pregnancy? Didn’t she know 8 1/2 to 9 months earlier that she was pregnant?
        PP and other false advocates for womens’ health get more money on the black market for later term or full term fetuses’ body parts. Start paying attention to the real news.

  6. absolutly..trump dereangment syndrome… and they can’t even discern between truth and lie when all the evidence is in front of their face!! people like them.. are destroying the american dream… and giving into the liars in power !!

  7. Kamala Hairass has already clearly stated her Marxist philosophy on numerous occasions. Nothing that Trump has been accused of can compare to the danger to ALL Americans and our freedom that she poses if elected. Trump has been criticized – with some justification – for years now, but I fear that most Americans can’t see the forrest for the trees. The democrat party is edging us ever closer to communism, which appears to be their ultimate goal. There is no American alive who will prefer that system once they are forced to live under it. And make no mistake, once communism is forced on us, there is NO going back. This is not some kind of “test run” where, if things don’t work out, we can return to democracy. There is only one kind of communism, and it doesn’t allow for change. Once the foolish masses give up their freedom, it’s gone forever. Americans need to think long and hard about what kind of future they’re voting for. TDS, along with hyper focus on abortion-on-demand, is exactly what the democrats are counting on to take the focus off of their evil agenda, and the stupid masses seem more than willing to oblige them. I wish there was a better choice than what the two corrupt political parties have given us (actually, there is a FAR better choice in RFK Jr, but both parties and the MSM have worked diligently to silence him, and the masses are far too lazy and ignorant to research anything on their own). But between the two “major” candidates, Hairass and her cronies pose a much greater threat to all Americans.

  8. I lost what I thought was a good friend because she found out I was a Trump supporter, but she always accepted my help, monetarily, and rides to the store, etc. Heard through the grapevine she found a cheaper apt. and moved. She hated Trump so bad, and me by association, but took what I gave her till she didn’t need me anymore, never called me to let me know she was moving. I don’t understand that.


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