She should NOT be allowed to win the presidency, or we can kiss our country goodbye.

Administration makes me SICK!!! They belong in jail all of them


  1. t occurred to me after watching the debate that if people lie convincingly, their people will believe those lies. Kamala exhibited her mastery of this from her years of putting innocent people behind bars. So, be careful America. This is part of her Marxist play book. Germany experienced it, lets not us!

    t occurred to me after watching the debate that if people lie convincingly, their people will believe those lies. Kamala exhibited her mastery of this from her years of putting innocent people behind bars. So, be careful America. This is part of her Marxist play book. Germany experienced it, lets not us!

  2. Fuck Kamala Harris 🖕. Everybody go out and vote for President Trump, don’t vote for someone because of your hatred for Trump. Lets make this election to big to rig. Lets put the right person potus and that person is President Trump. Trump 2024!

  3. One thing Kamala will be President I graranty she will be. Last night at the debate she gave her speech and she won the debate. Ur F:::::and Trump lie true is teeth. That is why he lies so much. U peoples believe his lies go and believe. U will be so sorry he is only talk with lies. He his going to jail big time. Kamala she is so smart that he his afraid to have another debate with her cause he knows she can beat him again. U are all looser and he makes promises that he will never keep.

    • You are wrong! Trump was the best President. He kept all is campaign promises and then some. He made us energy independent, lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
      USA was thriving, no wars, no problems except for the Demoncrats trying to destroy him
      With phony witch hunts , lies, slander anything to take him down
      What is wrong with you democrats?
      You work for the people. We don’t have to live by your Communist rules destroying all the goodness of the USA. Evil , all of you pure Evil
      We are taking America Back
      No more destroying our beautiful country! The only person who can fix this country is President Trump

      If you want a good life, low prices,gas VOTE TRUMP 2024
      Your vote can save our Country!!

      • Trump FAILED at every promise. Mexico wall money, healthcare plan, balanced budget, eliminate ISIS, eliminate the deficit, and on and on. All bullshit and lies. He did give us rich people tax cuts, but it cost future generations almost 8 trillion plus interest. He did do an excellent job of funneling over 135 million dollars to his golf courses though.

      • If you believe that dumb shyt from him, and believe your own shyt you’re spouting…. Then you all are as dumb as a box of rocks!!! Dems,Gops, Left Right whatever!!!!….That man is as evil, dumb, only for himself/ego, racist, patho-liar, rapist, maniac plus many more!!! Clearly, clearly he wants to be a dictator like Putin. Contradicted himself about the friendship! Throws his family under the bus and ANY others to save his whatever color he is SKIN!! The Devil’s advocate, that’s who he is!! You’re all pitiful to believe his lies!!! Esp since you’ve seen how he ran this country into the grounds!!!!! EVERYTHING WISE AND LAST A MESS GOT SOMEONE ELSE TO BE BLAMED AND TO CLEAN!!! With his jealous HATEFUL SELF!!

    • Janette: The correct spelling of guaranty is as I have spelled it not the way you misspelled it. Get a dictionary or use smaller words. The bigger more expensive words $25.00+ up ones are obviously too far out of your reach. Look up imbecile in the dictionary. Then look in the mirror to see if what’s reflected in it bears any resemblance to the image you see!

        • He was the best President besides John Kennedy we have ever had. Because he stood up for the American people and against the shadow government, the Liberals have lied and charged him falsely He has never been convicted Their false allegations have been debunked. They are taking advantage of your ignorance.

  4. Buckle up, we’re in for a bumpy ride.They will try every trick in the book to keep him out of the White House. The Dems don’t care if we the people voted for him. They all need to go to hell! It’s not the politicians country, it’s our country. We have a say so what goes on in our country. Get over yourselves Democrats cause we’re sick of the BS.

  5. There were no such things on Trump’s watch. I’ve seen plenty of lies and stupidities under this current Biden/Harris administration, that’s for sure.

  6. It has been proven that all the lies told during Trump’s presidency were actually told by democrats and Trump was telling the truth. I don’t get the ‘orange hair’ slams as being meaningful but actually are stupidly funny. Do you ever look at all the hair colors displayed by people? Totally irrelevant as to their intellect or capabilities. It is remarkable, though, how people can be swept up by a Marxist that promises them she will take care of them. Do they not understand what freedom is about? It is what gives us the incentive to do our best, work towards or dreams and keep going and trying different ways when we fail. It is what gives us self-respect and the desire to be self-reliant. Why would anyone want to give that up to be controlled by government? I cannot understand that small mindedness. When you let ideology take over your thoughts you hurt yourself and everyone else as well.

  7. Bet you democrats don’t know that the $25,000 home buying incentive Kamala is offering is racially motivated. For example, if you are white you can’t qualify simply because of your race. Go ahead. Fact check me. I am republican and because I am republican it is your duty to fact check me. I, like President Trump, will come through legitimate when you do your research. Republicans refuse to cheat and whatever hand we are dealt we work harder and overcome whatever tricks the democrats throw at us. God is taking care of President Trump. We saw that when he took a bullet for our country 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰

  8. I think it is the college kids and young adults that hate Trump, because they never learned to look up facts themselves. They believe everything the MSM throws at them! I thank God my adult grandchildren are smarter than that!

  9. Trump was the worst president in history. He proved he was totally clueless and incompetent to run the country, so Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had, and again at his failed Red Tsunami. He will be flushed again, as usual, since he is no a senile corrupt fool suffering from early dementia.

  10. I have been watching both parties for years and I have never voted in my life and I just registered to vote I registered as a Republican I think the Republican party are for the people not for themselves so I will be voting for trump

    • Somebody has to vote for losers. Trump got flushed at the first opportunity voters had. The majority will flush the orange turd again.


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