Kamala Cannot Hide From the Tape We Have of Her Past



It’s Democrats that are our biggest threat, not fracking!

The IRS should never be endorsing anyone…


  1. The establishment protects its own. Like Trump could go live a relative normal life. Make a tv show, write some books, etc. He didn’t need to be President. This shows he cares. After Russia, Jean Paul, Stormy Daniels, January 6 Committee, January 6, Trump Towers saga, documents nonsense, and two assassination attempts, he still is committed to taking care of America and Americans. The Biden, Harris, Walz, train wreck has done nothing good for America. Their past reflects the duster today. Biden on the beach half the time, no questions answered, insult Trump daily. Mainstream Media and The View just keep on rambling misinformation. Why would anyone vote for these losers? The First News, NewsMax, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict brochures explain all of this with facts. Look it up. They are the only fact checkers. Almost every institution is failing us. FBI, Secret Service, Justice Department, Public Schools and Colleges, WHO, CDC, WEF, the globalists, Mainstream Media, The View, some of Hollywood, IRS. There is the collusion.

    • Great comments! I totally agree, with just a few of my own additions. Correction: MOST of Hollywood. Add the military leaders, CIA, and the entire Democrat party. I’m sure there’s more than we can list that we’ll remember later.

      • Trump’s greatest accomplishment was exposing the corruption in the DSSA (Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika). IF you still don’t know why we are $35 trillion in debt, YOU are the problem. We the People must restore the republic that Lincoln destroyed. I want my Bill of Rights back. STOP funding the Gestapo and the unGREATful SOCIETY. 61 years of this, is 60 years to many. The stealing & lying must stop. States and men made free again. Or you can wait for them to kill us, one by one.

  2. Screw Zelensky and this incompetent administration. No more money for ANYONE, until we get ourselves out of debt. Vote for Trump and put an end to the killing. Kackela is just another lying POS demoncrat politician.

    • Her laugh reminds me of the sound of dragging fingernails down a blackboard! I can’t imagine hearing that for 4 yrs, can you? Obama will rank very high in her advisor list. You see what he tried to do to the USA, Biden wasn’t lucid enough to further Obama’s plan, and Kackela doesn’t have a clue. IMO

    • sniffy, sloppy Joe Obiden just might sign the US over to the UN any day now. What are YOU going to do, W/O a constitution? obey? or Liberty or death? free or slave? fight or surrender?

  3. Great and informed podcast. Thanks! Good to see this fellow still part of the truth scene. Thanks! Does anyone else notice how much younger K. Harris looks these days as opposed to 10 years ago? Yes, lots of plastic surgery, but looks like her supply of Adrenochrome is helping, just as it does for Hillary Clinton.

  4. Imagine if we had even more tapes of Trump’s past. What a joke that loser is! He bangs porn stars, cheats on every wife he’s had, is a predator felon convicted of sexual assault, and is proud of taking away women’s rights to their bodies. WOW! He’s just like Jesus. LOL!! Could he be a bigger POS than we already know he is? Impossible.

      • What could Trump do to show he is even a bigger loser than he is now? He proved in less than one term that he was incompetent and clueless about economics, foreign affairs, history, science, technology, religion and running the country. The senile old buffoon is even dumber now as we listen to him babble nonsense. Keep flushing the orange turd before he does more damage to the country. Cost us $8 TRILLION dollars last time.

  5. What a joke Trump was, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.

  6. A Republican-led group is challenging Georgia’s new requirement that poll workers count the total number of ballots by hand, saying it’s another example of the State Election Board overstepping its legal authority.

  7. Hey Kingsley and Goldstein…Democratic Party Shill Operatives… Put a Lid on your LIES… WHY do you People Keep Voting in the Democrats All the Time? That “Party” has done Nothing to Secure this Countries Borders and Still shells out money to Foreign Enemies, Employs Foreign Spies on their Payroll, Spending the Taxpayers into the Poor House…. Allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS by the Millions into this Nation, Including Criminal Gangs, Terrorists, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers. WHY do You Vote for and Back those who constantly give our taxpayers monies to Foreign Enemy Activists, Terrorists who Want to Drive Israel to the Sea, Kill all the Jews, – Which by the way Includes You Too, around the World… then the Christians. Iranian Mullahs have Declared JAHIAD on American Soil to their Hidden Moles, YOU PEOPLE ALLOWED to Come into the U.S. across the Southern Border. There have already been murders, rapes, assaults on U.S. Citizens across the Country. WHERE were You People, when Pro PLO/Palestinian – Pro Hamas Demonstrators invaded the U.S. Capital Building to “Protest” our assisting our only Democratic Ally in the Middle East, Israel to defend herself against known foreign terrorists and enemies. Why are you Supporting those who have declared an open War On Jewish People In the U.S.A.? Guess you don’t realize our enemies consider you “Useful Idiots”. You had Better Wake Up out of your Progressive / Leftist Liberal Democratic Loving Agenda and come to grips that you are Targets for our Enemies and They Consider you Domestic Terrorists… More Like Traitors. My Father and Uncles, and millions other G.I.’s Fought against the NAZI’s in Europe from D Day to their Surrender.. then went on to fight the Imperial Japanese Empire in the Pacific. They Liberated the Death Camps in Europe. They Saw the Emaciated Prisoners who were barely alive and the tens of thousands of shriveled bodies of the Victims of the Gas Chambers. FOR you to Support Our Known Foreign Enemies you are Dishonoring the Graves of those G.I.’s who risked and gave their lives to Liberate Europe against the Socialist Tyrants… YOU Are On The Wrong Side of History… By Backing the Ideology of our Enemies you are considered to be Traitors to We The People. Your Ideology Agenda has put a Target on your Backs for the Terrorists to use. The Long Dead Tyrant of the Old U.S.S.R.,, Joe Stalin considered you type of people to be Useful Idiots.

  8. Did you forget that Trump had 4 years and was a total fuck-up? He cost us $8 TRILLION dollars after promising to balance the budget. That’s worse than every president in history COMBINED! Of course we flushed the orange turd. The Magats should stay in their trailer park, pick their tooth, and play with their guns. They are lucky that there is no IQ test in order to vote. Let intelligent Americans flush the orange turd like they did last election.

  9. Can’t fix Stupid lets give Kamalie a IQ test and Trump and see who should be President people living in a trailer park are smarter than you demwits. She lies every time she opens her mouth pushes abortion for Planned Parenthood and Transgender surgery for Big Pharma and their are only 2 genders male and female since the beginning of time.


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