Kamala Harris Atlanta Rally Goers WALK OUT During Her Speech After TRASHY TWERK Rap Concert ENDS!



Trump did not pull out from the debate, Biden did.

Trump didn’t agree to debate you, he agreed to debate fjb. Weird? your party is weird, obiden’s whole administration is weird.


  1. Does she ever talk about policies? And Trump was supposed to debate Joey on FOX news, but she won’t except that because she knows she’ll won’t get the questions ahead of time.

    • Even if Sore Throat Kamala got the questions in advance she still wouldn’t debate because she wouldn’t be able to answer the questions. The only thing that dumb bitch can do is suck.

    • yup exactly what i said.. BUT.. now they have 3 debates scheduled.. One on Fax and 2 of the flamin liberal stations.. It’ll bne great to compare the results fron all three.. Then we;ll all know which ones she got the questions to.. Even after the debate with Joe.. They said he was (I think ) in Delaware “preparing !! had to be worse than cramming for the SAT’s.. Hard to hold onto info when theres no net between your ears.. Honestly I feel sorry for Joe.. They used him up then tossed him aside like garbage.. Typical shameful Democratic behavior

  2. Oh, one other thing……she is claiming …if we trade her Vice President
    plaque for one that says President she will do something with the
    border????? WHAT ??? That will magic her attention to the border??
    She has had 1 job asignment from the git-go the border?? It’s a
    disgrace totally out of control because of her neglect.But giggles
    says just make me President and I will look into it??? Are we fools
    or what?? So, hasn’t got a klue Kamala….hey look, you can fool some
    of the time, but not all the people all of the time!!Look for another
    job…… this one…… is way over your head !!!!!
    Hey….you did the wrong rally Sally!!! Try back in ” 29 ” if you ain’t
    lying…….. followup……

  3. Maybe she will explain the significance of time or the cloud storage or last but not least to be unburdened by what has be unburdened! She’s so stupid my blind dog his way smarter than she is. He he sees stupidity

  4. People of all color want to be treated with respect . Kamala brings rappers to her rally where she should be taking to the audience with some seriousness about what her plans and polices are to help our great country and the American people.
    Agree Sandra …stupid talk is all she knows …she is way in over her head !

    • the worst part for me is her phony southern drawl.. Whats wrong with her.. She learned that from Hillary. second hand ridiculousness


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