Kamala Harris just made a HUGE MISTAKE.



Kamala would be a huge mistake FKH! FJB! MAGA! Trump 2024!

Don’t care what the fumbling, stumbling Dems do. I am definitely voting for Trump in November. Who is with me?


  1. In 2020 when black lives matter and antifa were rioting, looting and burning in big Democrat cities both Walz and Harris were calling to defund the police !! Walz told police to back off and let terrorists loot and burn. When some were thrown in jail Harris paid bail to get them released !?
    And now these two want to run America?? Hell no!!

  2. Them democrats ruined California and now they want to take the wrecking ball nationwide. Her lips keep moving but i am not hearing what her position is on anything. absolutely nothing

  3. I absolutely LOVE all of these well-deserved comments here, in this comment section, about this latest version of another worthless, useless, Democratic Party leader. But, just to make one minor correction to Pete above, a Marxist is definitely a communist (originally called Bolsheviks, in Russia). But, what’s so strange about BOTH communists and fascists (called Nazis in the Third Reich), is that they BOTH operate the same way, using the same methods, and achieving the same results, namely socialism. The ultimate goal of any socialist government, is “all power to the state”, and none to the individual (resulting in the loss of all individual freedoms and rights: no free speech, no free press, no individual property or gun ownership rights, etc.) And both of these socialists, the Nazis and the Communists, achieved these goals by using violence against political opponents, as well as lies in their media (propaganda), as well as gun control (removing all private citizens guns, removes all opposition to their tyranny, as both Hitler & Stalin did). The only real difference, between the 2 socialist governments, was that the socialists in Germany (the Nazis) were loyal to their totalitarian regime in Berlin, while the socialists in Russia (the Communists) were loyal to their totalitarian regime in Moscow. Other than that, they were pretty much the same, with their brutal lack of concern for the lives of individuals, their total emphasis on political correctness and propaganda, and their many absurd rules and actions, and ridiculous incompetence. They both collapsed, eventually (the Nazis in 1945, and the Communists in Russia in 1991), but meanwhile socialism has spread elsewhere (China, Cuba, Vietnam, N. Korea, Venezuela, etc.), AND a hundred million people have died, directly because of socialist policies, actions, leaders and incompetence. Freedom, democracy and CAPITALISM, forever!!!!


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