Karl Rove: Mar-a-Lago is cheering after this ‘stupid’ White House maneuver



I live in Ga and don’t see any Harris signs out on my deliveries.

VP Harris, she’s not coming to Arizona to fix the border. She’s going to receive employee of the year award from the cartels and 10% to the big guy.


    • Yeah, a toilet leak that was fixed at 11:00 AM in the morning! And you can bet your last dollar the democrats and authorities will be cheating again, and the judges are already picked and paid!

  1. I see some Harris/Walz lawn signs. In fact, my neighbor across the street put one up. I thought these folks were more intelligent than that. Apparently, I was mistaken. So, I put a Trump lawn sign up.

  2. So if the NVRA says this many votes are unregistered, another amount should be taken off, but are not. And another amount is questionable. Will the NVRA be arrested? Because that is what happened in Washington D.C. alone, in 2020. So Trump was right. Are there any apologies? Why?

  3. The illegal freeloaders are being registered to vote. Who will they vote for? They’ll vote for the party that let them in and gives them free everything. That would be the Democrap party. These illegal freeloaders will skewer our elections.

  4. People leave Trump’s Minneapolis rally when the senile buffoon starts blabbering again.

    At one point in the rally, Trump refers to a “disgusting illegal alien who was let into the United States by Kamala and her lax law.”
    “She, they, they every one of my killer — we had the grea–, she would have, he would have, he would’ve never been able to get in. She stopped every single one of them.”
    At another point in the event, Trump begins to tell a story about a hat, but is distracted by a fly buzzing on stage. He blames illegal immigration for the fly’s presence, and then says “unaque” instead of “unique,” and never finishes the story.
    What do you do with a dementia patient who thinks he should be president? …………..FLUSH HIM AGAIN!

  5. Time to note a few of Obama’s accomplishments: The Affordable Care Act, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Marriage Equality, and the US coming out of the recession. Trying to think of any of Trump’s. Anything? Anybody?


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