Liberal NPR Men SHOCKED AND DEVASTATED After Testosterone Test Comes Back With EMBARRASSING Results!



Most Republican Women want Men to protect them!
Most Democrat Men want Women to protect them!

Joy Reid, with her shaved head, EXUDES 21st century masculinity.


  1. I wonder how Trump’s testosterone test would turn out? Tiny hands, tiny mushroom penis, and 3 unsatisfied wives (and one porn star) so far. He also is so insecure when women reporters question his bullcrap.

  2. True facts: It’s great to see that since we flushed the orange turd we now have the strongest economy in the world, the highest oil production in the world, a stock market that has doubled since we told Trump to take a hike, and higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate. For those babbling about high prices, you really thought that presidents tell companies what they can charge for their products?

  3. How did you all find this site? Trolls? Have you looked at Dem men? Low-T, mousey, obsequious, apologetic to everyone, Beta-males, Pillsbury doughboy, mom apron strings , still on the titty. Angry because they can’t get a date. Mention the military or law enforcement to them and they dissolve into a puddle of treacle, and weep and hide. They are afraid of their own shadows and spend their lives at a desk, or at home, with video games. They don’t know a deer from an elk or a woman from a lesbo trans… They are pathetic, weak, sorry and more than likely impotent with a low sperm count. Vegan, celibate by force, with ten worthless “college” degrees that the Alpha male, Right wing men end up having to foot the bill for… The men who also fight for these “fem” men’s freedom… Dem men are the ones most likely questioning their gender and wonder what that dead worm in their shorts is for.

  4. Americans flushed the orange turd at the first chance they had, because he turned out to be a lying, corrupt, traitorous, slimy, POS wannabe dictator with zero ability to run the country. They sure didn’t dump him because he did a decent job. Wake up fools!


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