Listen to what this CNN guest JUST SAID about the Trump Rally incident!!



I don’t give an F what CNN says about ANYTHING.

Swalwell should be in jail for treason


  1. I don’t care. I can’t waste my time on those liars. They’re just getting paid for their propaganda. I hope they do realize someday that karmas a bitch. When they retire, people won’t remember them with kindness. They’ll remember them as lying scumbags. I won’t remember them at all . Who cares!

  2. You can be sure that if the Democratic Globalist Socialist pre pro Communist Party is accusing the Republicans of something,(they) the Democrats are
    doing “exactly the same thing”. I.e Russian collusion, Nazi Fascism, Marxist Communism, anti American
    Constitutionalism, and whatever next “ lie” they will concoct! The 2024 Democratic Party under “Judas” Joe “Benedict Arnold” Biden IS the biggest threat to Americas 240+ year Capitalist free enterprise Democracy!(want proof)?? pull it up on line!!
    The U.S. Communist Party has given its full support to the Democratic Party Socialist Globalist direction that it is taking America!!
    (Wake up Democrats) You are being lied to “big time”

  3. The liberal left democrats will mock anything that Donald Trump does and what happened on July 13, 2024 adds to the list. President Trump was shot but survived and this is driving these jerk offs crazy out of this world crazy. After seeing Donald Trump waving his fist and saying “fight, fight!!” the first remark they come out with is “Trump is calling for violence” No jerk weed he’s telling his supporters that he is still ok and he will be back. The liberal left are extremely jealous because they don’t have anyone who could stand strong and never surrender, they only have their lies, and their hatred along with their cheating history to keep their lies going. That’s all they have and can’t offer anything to our country but they will bleed the system out. If it were Biden who was shot how would many have reacted? There would have been violence all over the country just like it was for the Floyd riots. The left democrats are a bunch of sick, lying, corrupt people who shouldn’t have any control over our country. Everything they touch turns to shit.

  4. Why is everything a video? Is this because America is slowly but surely becoming completely illiterate?

  5. CNN, gives new meaning to stupid.
    Are you people kidding me?????!
    Some of the things the guest from CNN , HAVE TO BE THE MOST MISINFORMED PEOPLE I HAVE EVER HEARD.


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