MAGA Rally Under Attack: Trump Supporters Left BLIND After Chemical Burns, Failed Assassination?!



Kamala recently told her supporters to go to Trump rallies. Coincidence? Don’t think so.

Are they starting to target the people instead of Trump? This is disgusting.


  1. I wouldn’t trust this administration and Government Agencies of doing something they will do anything to keep Trump from running for office that’s how corrupt theses people are.

  2. Anyone that doesn’t believe that Trump is under a conspiracy to take
    his life, is either stupid or very naïve. The Democrats are all about
    power, and they will never relinquish it.

  3. Do we know what the unlawful chemicals used were, or who did this treasonous and harmful act? Why don’t we know? Why isn’t this being investigated as highest priority???

  4. OK, get real!! It’s such a joke to call Trump a “businessman” after 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. The word is “LOSER” instead. Does it take talent to inherit NYC real estate that quadrupled in value while tenants pay you rent? He sure was a total loser at playing president. Cost us 8 TRILLION dollars because the buffoon was clueless about economics. Luckily we flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity voters had, before he bankrupted the country.

  5. Old Donald Trump promised “numbers like we’ve never seen.” And he delivered.
    He’s racked up 34 felony convictions, 54 pending criminal charges, 2 impeachments, 2 popular-vote losses, $88 million owed to E. Jean Carroll, $450 million owed for civil fraud, $8 trillion added to the national debt, and a 2.9 million net loss of jobs. Now there’s a real loser for you.

  6. heads up.. the attack was not chemical……it was a combat rifle laser when can invisible or show are or green beam.. them come with a protective cap over the exit port of the laser.. when in the correct mode the laser will be invisible.. effective , and insidious.. LIKELY NOT AN ACCIDENT.. EOM


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